Saturday Drive

Oct 03, 2017 16:29

It's extremely sad and a sign of the times when my first reaction to news of "another shooting" wasn't surprise or shock, but simply "where?". It's just like terrorism where it's unfortunately has become too common place. This specific case is also unique in how the shooter didn't have a history of mental illness, violence, or criminal activity.

Anyway, on Saturday, we had a nice day of driving around and going to various places. We first went to Wal*Mart and picked up a few items on our list of things. It was stuff like a new laundry bin, parts for Angie's NYCC costume, and I assume other stuff, but I can't really recall now. Since there was a part that Angie still needed, we went to Spirit Halloween afterwards. It's the first time in a while that I've been in one (or similar store) and I'd have to say the quality seems to have improved. I'm also not sure if it's just my perception, but it seems like Halloween is becoming a bigger holiday (at least in terms of decoration and costume quality), so that's not totally surprising. In the future, I'll have to keep it in mind when I think of costumes.

Afterwards, we tried a new restaurant. It was called Ramen Noodle (creative, right?) and looked kind of like a two family house that half was converted to a small restaurant. It was going for a small, hole in the wall feel. When you walk in, there's a counter where you order from and it was probably going for the Japanese counter feel. The food was good. I still think Rai Rai Ramen is better, but it's definitely a good place to go if we don't want to make the extra trip.

pictures of food

Curry fish ball appetizer, it was pretty much exactly what it sounds like. If I cooked fishballs (from hot pot) and added curry paste. It wasn't bad though. (

My house miso ramen. It was good, especially the meat. The broth wasn't as salty as I like though. (

Angie got a spicy something ramen. She liked it. (

After food, we went to 99 Ranch, an Asian (possibly Taiwanese) grocery store. Angie wanted to cook soup and grabbed some ingredients for it. Then we went to Aquaridise, which is a fish specialty store. "They" say if you have guppies, you should keep a 2-1 female to male ratio since the males overly harass the females. A couple of our females died, so we wanted to replace them and make the school happy. And since I'm trying to avoid Petsmarts and Petco is redoing their fish area, we made a long trip to Aquaridise, which quite nice. Browsing, they really have some exotic (and expensive!) animals. And they seem to update/change their stock so it was interesting. They even had a manta ray, which was incredibly expensive (hundreds or thousands, can't remember). But we just bought 3 female guppies, although I wanted a new pleco. I also ordered red cherry shrimp, which they said they normally get every two weeks. So that'll be nice since that was an early addition we wanted, but could never find.

It was a fair amount of driving, but it was nice. I remember when Angie and I were dating, I used to always wish the drives were longer!

In other news, I finished The Maze Runner. It was good, better than the movie. It was very young adult-y, but I'll probably borrow the rest of the series from Jonah. I'll continue to read Song of Susannah to try and finish The Dark Tower series.

For gaming, I'm playing Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, which I've had for a really long time and played the beginning once. But it's a very good, very RPG-y game, which was exactly what I wanted. There's SO MANY classes and things to do! But so far, so good.

Oh, and the MLB playoffs start soon. I'll probably root for the Indians again. I really haven't been following MLB this year and was totally surprised that both the Twins and the D-Backs are apparently good? That's news to me!

news, baseball, sports, gaming, pictures, food, books

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