A Little Update...

Sep 03, 2004 22:39

Hope everyone is doing okay! I'm doing really well- just been so busy as of late! I hope to update more often on here this fall though as things will slow down some- finally!

I started my Bible Reading journey on the 29th (last Sunday) and so far so good. I am a day or two behind though but the chapters are short and I will catch up after I finish this entry. I find reading the Bible to be so interesting- something I never thought it would be! They have all kinds of neat things to read about in the Bible. I'm in the book of Genesis right now, chapter 8 or 9 after it talks about God destroying everything He created and ordering Noah to build the ark for him, his wife, his sons, and his sons wives to stay in during the flood- they ended up staying in the ark for over a year. And of course all the animals- who of course went two of each kind, which was 1 male and 1 female. God wanted to save one of each. I had always wondered WHY God put 2 of each animal on the ark believe it or not and now I know. In the New Testament, I'm on chapter 4 of Matthew that talks of the birth of Christ Jesus, the son of Mary. I'm also memorizing the order the books appear in the Bible and am halfway through memorizing the Old Testament. I'm very excited by my journey through the Bible in a year! It will be a very fruitful time for me! I'm learning so much already and can see it creating change in my life! Praise God! :)

On another note...

I went ride with my parents and brother to New Iberia today- where my dad is building a house for our friends Lizzie and Coby. I'm so glad I went ride as I was able to spend some time with Coby today! YAY! :) He's very good looking as I've said before, and he is also such a gentleman. I'm not used to having doors opened for me and such! LOL! I notice when we are doing something, he always lets me go first, hehe. We chilled in his room for most of the time. He has this neat projection screen in his room that he has hooked up to his computer and also his tv. So when he's on the computer, he can watch it from the projection screen. He showed me and mom the virtual tour of the house plan he made on the computer- really cool! Then he put on some music and we chatted for awhile. He said if I want I could watch a movie or something. He brought out Passion of the Christ which I've been wanting to see and put it on for mom and I to watch. Mom left though and it was just me and Coby for awhile-yay! I was hoping she'd leave! :) He talked with me a good bit but I'm so shy so you KNOW I didn't do much talking! He tried his best though to make conversation with me but I just couldn't- he makes me SO nervous! I get that way around really good looking guys! I can definitely tell he's 'interested'! :) I got to lay on his bed though to watch part of the movie - we had to leave though so I couldn't watch but a short bit of the movie. They are having a BBQ for Labor Day (Monday) so we're going back. Mom and I had went with my dad and brother just for that day- they usually go there alone but we decided to go ride. So he said that we could watch all of Passion when I go back then. Hope its just me and him and not my mom this time! UGH! :( Him and me....... :) Okay, yeah. I'm definitely interested! I hope if anything him and I can become good friends, if not more. We'll see though. It looks promising! :) He and I share several likes/hobbies. We haven't talked too much though so I'm sure there's more that we have in common. I know for one though that he doesn't like popcorn but he is a big eater and LOVES food! Typical guy of course... He is a stylish dresser and is always dressed up, which is a plus. I like guys that dress up and not sloppy. I dress up a lot myself so its nice that he does too. I can't wait to see Coby Monday and I'm looking forward to watching The Passion with him on his bed- LOL! :)

IF I can, I will get a picture of him to put on here or put elsewhere on the net and put a link on here to the pic. Or even better- get a picture of him AND me! :) Warning though- hands off! He's MINE! :) Yeah, I'm hooked! :) Can't help it though! He's SO sweet!

I'll write more later. I gotta get going! Toodles! :)
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