Quick note in regard to LJ policy decisions

Aug 04, 2007 12:50

Recent suspensions on LJ are making a lot of people nervous and upset, and it's looking to me like LJ's not the best place for fannish archiving/activity anymore. fabu has posted a more in-depth summary of the situation with handy links. I'm not leaving this minute, and I'm not particularly worried that my content is putting me at risk for suspension, but LJ's attitude towards fandom as a whole is not encouraging. If a consensus is reached as to what service most people are moving to, I'm getting ready to pull up stakes.

To this end, I am "erinya" at both InsaneJournal and GreatestJournal. I'll be backing up this journal to both of those sites in the next couple of days, although I probably won't do so for my personal journal here on LJ.

I'd like to set up a JournalFen account, too...if anybody who's already over there would be willing to help me out with that, I'd be eternally grateful (in fact, I'd write you fic.) If not, I may just spring for a paid account--haven't decided on that one yet. ETA: Thanks to zelda, I'm now on JournalFen as well.

(Cross-posted to erinya.)

housekeeping, notes

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