Hello again.....

Feb 27, 2009 17:23

I'm trying to type this on the sly, so none of the bosses that are hanging around will wonder what the heck I'm typing...on my computer, as we aren't supposed to have access to the internets. Alas! Azer(sp?), my muslamic cubicle neighbor, showed me how to re-enable our internet access. Allah'a'uakbar! Same with Azur?

I think my super-nice-guy boss is actually harboring some serious anger issues. For real. That or he's a sexual predator or something equally as terrible, and he covers himself by being nice at work so he has character witnesses should any of his crimes go to trial.
Smurt(sic) thinkin'.


I thought I was all done with my SSI and my disability and everything, and I was just waiting for my stipend, but alas, I was wrong. I had to go back into the SS office, where I dealt with c u next Tuesday. I mean, this lady is the kind of civil servant who's ass you have to kiss in order to get anything done, because she's the only one at the window who can help you at that time.
She completely didn't listen to me and told me to wait and have a seat and someone would come out to talk to me.
45 mins passed, and nothing. So I went right back up to the window when she called a number that no one was holding, and I spoke short and sweet about how terrible the service was, and how she needed to really listen....and then she played dumb and I had to wait even longer to speak to someone else.
BUT! There is a silver lining. The dude I got, though he was very close to blind and not wearing glasses but using a screen magnifier and large type keyboard, and though he was slow, got everything but one thing finished up for me. All that's left to do now is bring back Holly's W-2 information from where she worked last year after we got married.
Now, you may remember I've already done that. I took said information to the Worthington SS office. But they never sent it over to the SS office at the Federal Building downtown. Hell, all their systems are seperate, it seems. But what-ever. 
Super slow blind dude told me that he would finish everything up during our appt. on Monday. Then he would print out my award letter and I'd know how much to expect from SSI(which should be substantial). Then he would put it in the system to pay as soon as possible, and I should get my money by next Wednesday or Thursday. If all goes according to plan, I'm gonna splurge a little bit and go out to dinner with my wife at Red Robin, or a chinese buffet, or, hell, Longhorn Steakhouse(cinny-mon buttered rolls!(yessir)). I might indulge into a drink or two at dinner....but who knows? Then we will follow that up with a trip to Walmart to pick up some essentials and some not-so-essentials. Oh yeah.

Bankruptcy(sp?) comes soon. I'll be leaving a few things on my credit record that I need to pay off, but err'thang else will be Audi 5000, naw'mean? Then, as soon as everything is taken care of, I will be switching credit unions to KEMBA(Kroger Employee something Banking something). I'm with Telhio now, and though they've been extremely great, they don't offer the credit building that KEMBA offers. After six months of being a member at KEMBA, I can build my credit super fast with small loans that are paid back immediately(after a week), and a secured credit card. Sounds good to me.

In the last hour, I've had 13 connects, but have only talked to 8 people. That's 8 people an hour, some of whom hang up right away.

I'm going out for a smoke.

PS: This entry took an hour to type.

bankruptcy, ssi, money, work

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