(no subject)

Feb 10, 2009 19:37

I'm gonna do it!

1. I'm a nail biter. I bite'em 'til there's nothing left to bite. I'm not so much into biting around the nail, like some psychos. HAH! j/k
2. I don't do much work when I'm at work. I really don't, and somehow I get away with it everyday.
3. I don't really talk to any of my cousins. Sometimes I do. I wish I talked to them more, but I just don't. The one I see the most happens to be my ex-step-cousin from my uncle's previous marriage.
4. I smoke mini cigars instead of cigarettes, because they're a dollar a pack. You get twenty mini cigars guaranteed to make your mouth taste like you cleaned all the bathrooms in Grand Central Station with your tongue.
(thank you Weird Al)
5. I once beat three guys at one time while playing Goldeneye 64. 3 vs. me, and I won....hands down, I beat those dudes so bad that they quit playing.
6. I always win at Mario Kart 64, and I play as Luigi, biatch!
7. I hate all the f-ing customers I call. They're all idiots. Complete idiots.
8. If I could get away with it, I'd rip off this company.
9. I think kids are the best thing in the world, so long as their parents can always rescue me from them.
10. I can play over 25 notes in less than 4 seconds on the bass and near 50 on the guitar. No lie. Ask to see it some time.
11. I go out some nights and fight in underground fight clubs under the alias 'Superfudge.'
12. I lie when the number preceeding the statement is 11.
13. If I ran the world, all child molesters would all be castrated without anesthesia in public, then they'd have to live in underground caves and fight for survival.
14. And rapists would be executed.
15. I'm glad I live on time line 3, because I stand a chance of meeting Michael Valentine and Jubal Harshaw.
16. I think russian is the craziest sounding language, and I have no desire to learn it.
17. I find it hard to believe that some people cry when they're rejected from American Idol and they really suck. What is wrong with these people? I can't sing now, so I wouldn't even bother going. If they go, it should be to get on camera, not to actually try out.
18. I want to play Troy in Mastermind.
19. I'm better than my first bass hero, P-Nut. hah! That's what he gets for being a dickhole to me everytime I meet him.
20. I wear a bracelet on my left wrist that looks like it was made by a four year old because Holly made it for me at our neice's birthday party and since I don't have a wedding band(it's lost), this gets people to ask, "Why do you wear that bracelet?", and I get to tell them my wife made it for me, thus they know I'm married.
21. My grandma Wendy took all of us kids to see Terminator 2, back in '92. Summer, I believe it was. She was horrified when she came out of the theater, but I was in love with that movie, and have been ever since.
22. I believe everyone should have to learn how to take a joke.
23. Why is farting such a horrible taboo? I think there should be a ventilated section at every workplace and restaurant where you can just go and let one loose. No one's eating or staying in there long, so just go do it and come right back to your office or cube.
24. I would love my name a daughter of mine 'Aliena'. (ah-leen-ah)
25. I think it's such a shame that people get knocked up and use abortion as a form of birth control, and people that actually want kids can have trouble. It's not just a shame, it's completely fucked up. Do you hear me, universe? Chaos? IT'S FUCKED UP.

This is all. I hope you enjoyed. Keep it real.

I was at work when I did this whole thing. I'm not kidding about number 2.


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