Devious Journal Entry: Morgoth and Ungoliant

Dec 09, 2010 12:36

Morgoth and Ungoliant
by ~Protoguy on deviantART

Is that or is that not amazing? Morgoth fighting Ungoliant over the Silmarils (from Tolkien's The Silmarillion); basically for LOTR fans, Morgoth was Sauron's lord and master (and god) back in the day. This was back when Sauron himself was more powerful than what we saw in LOTR.

And yet Ungoliant and her 'Unlight' were powerful enough to frighten Morgoth into calling for help from an army of Balrogs.

Say, if we have any LOTR fans here, was it ever established just what Ungoliant was and where she came from, other than "outside"?

tolkien, art, fantasy, fantasy books, lord of the rings

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