Fanny/Edmund = Luke/Leia?

Sep 29, 2007 20:26

So some of you may not recognize me by next week.

Well, tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut and that will be fine and dandy. That's not what may cause half of you to see me in the hall and not even know it's me. First off, I'm basing my hair cut off this style. I'm going to keep my current length and this picture is really a reference for how dramatic I want the layers of my hair to be when I get my hair cut.

Now why may some of you not recognize me next week? Well, if things go my way and I'm really hoping they do, I'll be doing what I told keepontryin (I almost put your old username xP) I've always wanted to do:

Getting my hair dyed red!

Yes, the colouring will be based off the beautiful Emily Blunt from The Devil Wears Prada. I am super excited.

Just have some questions for those of you who have dyed their hair before. Is the pricing terribly drastic and horrible? Any tips in general for getting your hair dyed? I'm going to talk to the people when I get my hair cut tomorrow about scheduling an appointment on Saturday for this and I literally cannot wait. If it goes well, expect to see me with red hair in a couple of weeks or so.

Anyway. I'm still freaking out over possibly getting my hair dyed and such but I'll make the reviews I need to on The Jane Austen Book Club, CSI, and Ugly Betty.

All right. So my mom and I saw The Jane Austen Book Club today because it wasn't playing Friday (so instead I saw Across the Universe again with Ali and Jason) and I loved it.

In some ways it was better than the book and others it wasn't as good. The wit of the book was better and the movie, at times, was rather slow and I just wished to be reading the book again. At other times, I found myself thoroughly enjoying the movie. I felt like the movie had much better closure than the book: Jocelyn and Grigg's relationship was clearly defined and everything just seemed whole.

The acting was excellent. Though Emily Blunt played my least favourite character, Prudie, she really made me dislike her in the movie and that means she did a good job. Hugh Dancy made me squeal and Maggie Smith was just utterly fantastic. The rest of the cast was spectacular as well.

Except for Daniel. I really didn't like their Daniel. I didn't like his character much in Star Wars either but that was his character--with this, it was who played him. I always imagined Daniel as, coincidentally enough, looking like Daniel from Ugly Better. I didn't get much of Daniel's character from the guy who was playing him. Oh well.

I especially loved Bernadette in the movie though.

Most of my favourite parts dealt with Grigg or classic female relationships with Allegra, Jocelyn, and Sylvia. But when Grigg compared Edmund and Fanny to Luke and Leia, I could not stop laughing. From a sci-fi fan's point of view, it nearly works but it was just so classically funny. And when the girls first arrived at Grigg's and got all scared because of the Halloween-esque decorations? OMG that was hilarious. I loved that. XDDD

I also loved when Jocelyn couldn't put Grigg's sci-fi books down and went to his house at five in the morning. Very adorable.

It was a very cute movie but it simply doesn't compare to the book. There's not much more I can say because it just wasn't one of those movies.

Recommend this movie to other people?: If you're a fan of Jane Austen or light-hearted romantics, sure.
Buy the DVD?: Not necessarily. Maybe someday.
Grade: B


Elizabeth: The Golden Age STILL OMGYAY.
The Darjeeling Unlimited I kind of want to see it now. Plus, Adrian Brody's purdy. :3

And since my book list is still the same, an updated movie list:


Order by Release Date.

Two dates mean a limited and wide release date--first date is the limited though I'd see it on the second date since Simi Valley is lame and we don't get limited releases.

♥ 3:10 To Yuma (September 7 2007) (Most likely won't be able to see it in theatres which means Netflix)
♥ Across the Universe (September 14/21 2007)
♥ The Jane Austen Book Club (September 21/28 2007)
♥ Elizabeth: The Golden Age (October 12 2007)
♥ Martian Child (November 2 2007)
♥ August Rush (November 21 2007)
♥ Atonement (December 7 2007)
♥ Sweeney Todd (December 21 2007)
♥ Penelope (February 1 2008)
♥ Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull (May 22 2008) (Gail and I are having an Indiana Jones fest before seeing it)
♥ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (November 21 2007)

All right. Onto television.

CSI: Contains MAJOR spoilers for premiere episodes AND upcoming stuff

I don't think I've ever been this freaked out and rattled over a television show. Honestly. I was hyperventilating the whole time practically. I was honestly expecting them to kill Sara off because Jorja's contract was up and I didn't think she'd be renewing it. Everytime there was an indication to Sara possibly being dead or something, I flipped.

Like when Grissom saw the shoe and said oh no. I knew it the back of my mind that Sara couldn't have decayed that fast but was I thinking logically? Of course not! I was freaking out, hoping more than anything that Sara would be alive. Besides the fact that I love her character, I love her and Grissom.

When Sara escaped the car, I just knew somewhere in my heart they couldn't kill her off. She's a survivor and would last if she got out of the car. Personally, I wouldn't have wandered around like that--I would've just stayed at the car. But that's just me. It wouldn't have made much of an episode if they found her sitting all casually on the flipped over car. XD

When they found her, my heart just went out to Grissom. I was in near tears, hoping she wouldn't die. And then her eyebrow moved in the helicopter with Grissom holding her hand. I swear I had a heart attack. And then her eyes opened and all was well. I was so relieved and my heart was thumping. I am so overjoyed she's alive you don't even know it.

The preview for next week also made me giggle. Apparently Sara and Grissom's definitions of 'intimate' differ greatly because nine years don't equal two years.


TV Guide ruined my happiness by confirming that, although Sara's alive, she'll still be leaving the show. I don't know the whole storyline but sometime this season, she'll be leaving. That ruined it all. I am so dreading that. D:

Ugly Betty: I miss Henry. I LOVE MARC OMG. I think he has to be my favourite character and, well, he always has been really. Followed closely by Betty, Daniel, Henry, and Justin.

The premiere was great, I think. All the scenes with Marc just had me cracking up. I loved when Amanda's parents' friends came down following her parents in nothing but robes. Marc's face was CLASSIC. And then at the end when Marc was dressed as Wilhelmina. I could not stop laughing. And poor him got all beat up. D:

Justin makes me happy inside. Him running away from camp and escaping to MODE. That was so great.

I still have crushes on Daniel and Henry. -sigh- Henry come back! I mean, I know he's going to but then Betty will have the lame new love interest and it'll be a whole new love triangle. Guh. I still adore Henry.

Er. Nothing else, really. I look forward to this season, though.

All right. I don't really like Heroes. Honestly, I don't want to save the cheerleader. But Dominic Keating is joining the cast and I adore him hardcore so I may have to watch a couple of episodes for him. He doesn't get enough love. Plus he'll be playing an Irish Mob member. That's just cool.

I am now going to get going and do...stuff.


PS: Love the new icons? :D I also got another one of Jude. Yay.

[music| I'll Follow The Sun//The Beatles]

(tv) ugly betty, (film) movie review, (author) jane austen, (tv) csi: las vegas, (film) general, (tv) general

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