"We'll hop over to France and go leblblblblblblblblblblblble all over Europe."

Oct 13, 2007 20:10

Mkay. Kind of a crazy post but here goes.

Mkay. My review.

First, something shocking: I somewhat agreed with the critics. Which has pretty much never happened to me.

I only partially agree with them concerning this movie and only about the fact that it's tedious at points. The rest of the movie makes up for the tediousness, though.

All right. Acting? Sfjhjgthkjknyl. AMAZING. There was Cate Blanchett who is made of win, Geoffrey Rush who is also made of win, the crazy Spaniards who frightened me in this movie (their acting was great), and all the PRETTY MEN YAY (Clive Owen, Tom Hollander, Eddie Redmaye). Haha.

Cate Blanchett kind of made me die in this movie. I love, love, LOVED her in this. Like...I can't get over. Her chemistry with Clive Owen was subtle in that crazy empowering way. And her quiet sarcasm and wit as Elizabeth was to die for.

Clive Owen was...pretty. Haha. And a fantastic Sir Walter Raleigh who has actually been one of history's most intriguing characters to me. Concerning the movie and all, his relationship with Elizabeth was interesting and all but I really enjoyed all his scenes with Bess. Clive Owen and Abbie Cornish really did have spectacular chemistry in this.

Tom Hollander made me squeal. And he was pretty, too. I just love him. He needs to have a lead role in a movie for once. -sigh-

Eddie Redmayne was SPECTACULAR. I really felt for his character in this movie. He was so troubled and distraught that it was extremely sad and I moped a bit.

Something else I loved about this movie? The costumes. They were all so pretty. I wanted to just hop in the movie and steal some. xD Some of Elizabeth's people consider odd but that was the fashion way back when and they were elegantly pretty. Clive Owen just made me swoon in all his pirate garb.

All right. So me, being a complete history junkie, loved all the historic-ness. It was extremely well-done and the landscapes were absolutely gorgeous. -dies- Though most of the movie was quiet and intriguing, there were some very intense scenes. The scene where Robert and Thomas and all the other men cut out the guy's tongue and then shoot him for example. Or the part where Thomas tries to assassinate Elizabeth and the ships being on fire and the likes.

Some of the quiet scenes were just as intense, though. It was pretty darn fantastic.

Erm. I'm not sure what else to say actually so I think I'll end it here. xD

Recommend this movie to other people?: If you liked the first one or just history in general, go for it. Otherwise, unless you're just a movie fanatic or like political dramas and the likes, this may not be for you.
Buy the DVD?: Perhaps eventually.
Grade: B

P.S. I Love You: This movie looks absolutely fantastic. Gerard Butler, Hillary Swank, Lisa Kudrow. Plus it's all romantic and in Ireland and cute and OMG I want to see it. -giggles-
Atonement: OMG. OMG. OMG. I about died when I saw this preview. I freaked out. I got Clive Owen, Tom Hollander, and snippets of Gerard Butler and my love James McAvoy all in one go. -dreamy sigh- I've seen the preview before but this was just fantastic and I want it to be December already. Mom really liked the preview, too, so she plans to see it with me. Huzzah!

Strike: I've seen/read it and will eventually remove it from list.


EBS = On the EBS list
Own = I own it
Buy = Need to buy it
Borrow = Borrowing from someone
Reread = Read it before; going to re-read it
♥: Currently reading

In no particular order. EBS books are obviously keen since I need them for school which means the other ones will come randomly when I have time throughout the year and over summer.

♥ The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini (Borrow)
♥ Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (EBS) (Own)
♥ Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carrol (EBS) (Reread) (Own)
♥ Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carrol (Reread) (Own)
♥ The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor (Own)
♥ Seeing Redd by Frank Beddor (Buy)
♥ Dune by Frank Hebert (EBS) (Own)
♥ Dune Messiah by Frank Hebert (EBS) (Buy?)
♥ Children of Dune by Frank Hebert (EBS) (Buy?)
♥ God Emperor of Dune by Frank Hebert (EBS) (Buy?)
♥ Emma by Jane Austen (EBS) (Own) (Reread)
♥ Persuasion by Jane Austen (Own) (Reread)
♥ Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen (Own) (Reread)
♥ Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (Own) (Reread)
♥ Becoming Jane Austen by Jon Spence (Own)
♥ The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova (Own)
♥ The Last King of Scotland by Giles Foden (Buy)
♥ Atonement by Ian McEwan (Buy) (Maybe some of his other books afterwards)
♥ Me and Mr. Darcy by Alexandra Potter (Own)
♥ The Patriot by Stephen Molstad (Own)
♥ Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley (Own) (EBS--doubt I'll read it for that, though)
♥ The Book of Earth: Volume 1 in Dragon Quartet by Marjorie B. Kellogg (Own)
♥ The Book of Water: Volume 2 in Dragon Quartet by Marjorie B. Kellogg (Own)
♥ The Book of Fire: Volume 3 in Dragon Quartet by Marjorie B. Kellogg (Buy)
♥ The Book of Air: Volume 4 in Dragon Quartet by Marjorie B. Kellogg (Buy)
♥ The Red Tent by Anita Diamant (Borrow) (EBS)
♥ Amazing Grace by Eric Mataxas (Own)
♥ The Last Wife of Henry VIII by Carolly Erickson (Buy)
♥ The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory (Buy)
♥ The Virgin's Lover by Philippa Gregory (Buy)
♥ Mr. Darcy Takes A Wife by Linda Berdoll (Buy) (Have mixed feelings on this one)
♥ The New Jedi Order (Next book: Dark Tide I: Onslaught) (Pathetic that I'm only on book two but I've been so busy--I do intend to finish this series and then read more series)


Order by Release Date.

Two dates mean a limited and wide release date--first date is the limited though I'd see it on the second date since Simi Valley is lame and we don't get limited releases.

♥ Elizabeth: The Golden Age (October 12 2007)
♥ Martian Child (November 2 2007)
♥ August Rush (November 21 2007)
♥ Atonement (December 7 2007)
♥ The Other Boleyn Girl (December 21 2007)
♥ P.S. I Love You (December 21 2007)
♥ Sweeney Todd: Demon Barber of Fleet Street (December 21/28 2007)
♥ Penelope (February 1 2008)
♥ Wanted (March 28 2008)
♥ Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull (May 22 2008) (Gail and I are having an Indiana Jones fest before seeing it)
♥ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (November 21 2007)

CSI: Really weird. The ending REALLY creeped me out when the Minister threw the girl over the edge. That was scary. The emotional pin in Catherine's eyes in that scene was amazing.

Catherine and Warrick didn't really have any moments but they had a cute scene of putting shirts on. -giggles-

This new girl that Sara is training, per se, kinda bugs me. -sigh- And Grissom has his bee project! Huzzah!

The episode was good and, as per usual, I couldn't tear my eyes away but it wasn't one of those crazy I'll-remember-it-forever episodes.

The preview for next week was what got me freaking out. I VOTE GRISSOM AND SARA GET MARRIED. AND THEN THAT WARRICK DIVORCES TINA.


That scene, besides all the ones with Chase, was probably my favourite scene of the whole episode. I was cracking up. But speaking of Chase, I <3 him hardcore. I loved how he stood up to House--it was fantastic. And Cameron was standing there totally hot for him. XDDDDD I love how she told House all cute like that she liked Chase better this way.

I also really loved when House told Cuddy about the whole removing the eye thing and Wilson was like, "Good times." The FRIENDSHIP between House and Wilson is absolutely fantastic. When House told Wilson he loved him, I squealed. I loved the whole plot of House trying to kill himself to see what was beyond life. That was incredible.

I might slowly be becoming a Huddy fan. -sigh- SLOWLY, though. Chase/Cameron is still my number one ship. I want more of them. And I vote Foreman just comes back. Srsly.

I still hate the blonde chick. But I love Number 13 and felt so horrible when she blamed herself for the deaths and whatnot.

The preview made me flail like mad.

Ugly Betty: Maaaaaaarc. ILU.

Him stepping on Amanda's dress. LAWL. Goodness gracious, I adore his character.

Daniel's such a punk. Staying in the wheelchair to have smart conversations. XD

I'm not sure what to think of Gio. He's interesting but at the same time he kind of annoys me. I STILL WANT HENRY AND BETTER TOGETHER. Henry makes me flail. Oh, and Marc and Amanda totally love him now. That had to be my favourite scene of the whole episode.

"I've never been so attracted to someone in my life." -uses inhaler- -cue Stacie's incessant giggling-

The preview? I could not stop laughing. DANGER. DOOOOOM. -Marc falls- OMGLAWL. And just everything else was amazing.

So apparently this week will be the best week of shows so far. All the previews had me freaking out. Haha.

All right. So I finally saw Ghost Rider. FINALLY. I was expecting it to be an okay Marvel movie. It wasn't as good as Spider-Man or X-Men or Fantastic Four to me but it honestly did surprise. In a really spectacular way. It was so much better than I thought it would be. I SUPER enjoyed it.

Plus there was Nicholas Cage. SHIRTLESS. MMMMMM. :D

So I feel I need to mention something about James McAvoy since it's been a while. XD Although this is sad news, at least it is news.

Finally! 'Star Trek XI' Beams Up Scotty!

Sad day. D: I'll probably end up seeing it with my parents anyway. Haha.

I got knitting supplies today so I could learn to knit. And totally further my scarf collection. 10 and counting! Target has scarf heaven right now. <3 Anywho, I'm totally failing at it. The directions are so not helping. Guh. Hopefully I'll end up getting the hang of it.

So I watched (and taped via DVR and VCR) Legally Blonde: The Musical on MTV yesterday. AND DIED. OMG. I can watch it whenever I want (which, in turn, means Christian Borle whenever I want <3). I am so frickin' happy. I've been watching it non-stop. Srsly. It was fantastic. Not as good as when I saw it live of course but it's better than nothing.

I was just bubbling in pure happiness the whole time. Plus watching with Gail and Jen made it that much better. We had tortilla chips and guacamole as well as pink cookies and pink lemonade to commemorate the occasion.

I LOVE EMMETT. But you all already knew that. Haha. So the last "Omigod" kind of made me die inside and wish I was Laura Bell Bundy more than I already do. -sigh- But still, all of it was absolutely amazing. I just...I love that musical. So much.

My only qualm? The hosts. Girls from The Hills. Bleh. xP They were so boring and I just did not like them. Gail made me laugh non-stop when she reenacted them dipping a chip in guacamole though. Lawl.

I should probably get going. But first...I LEAVE YOU WITH THE BEST COMMERCIAL EVER. I've been looking for it for a while because I've been in love with it ever since it first broadcasted. Huzzah! The guy in it should be recognizable as well. -SWOON- ♥

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[music| Perfect Day//Hoku]

(actor) christian borle, (pop culture) celebrities, (actor) james mcavoy, (film) movie review, (film) general, (theatre) legally blonde, (tv) general

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