I was going to comment more extensively on the
Prince of Persia movie trailer that hit the web yesterday, but
falling_home has done it for me with
her loltastic recap, featuring screens and commentary from the POV of a gamer.
Basically, I'm both surprised and confused by the trailer. Surprised, because there's actually a lot in there that's recognizable - Mechner appears to not hate the second two games as much as I thought he did. Confused, because it looks like elements of all three games have been thrown into a melting pot and I'm afraid some of my favorite things - the Dahaka, Dark Prince (our hero's snarky sand-wraith counterpart!), and Farah - are going to get lost in translation. We'll see, I suppose. It sure is pretty, even if the trailer is essentially LOL, BOSS FIGHTS all the way through. That's the way you sell these things, I guess. I still don't really know what to think of Jake, but I think he'll end up pulling it off just fine. Tamina is portrayed (in the trailer, at least) as more of an Elizabeth Bennett clone than I'd like, but I'll hope for the best. 'Cause that's what I do!
As for the whitewashed casting and British accents... to be honest, this doesn't bother me nearly as much as The Last Airbender's racefail. Because a) Persia/Iran has had political relations with Britain since the 13th century, and b) Jake's Prince is nowhere near as Americanized as Nolan North's in the 2008 Prince of Persia game. You really can't get any worse than that. I don't know what Ubisoft was thinking; I adore Nolan North, but the Prince of Persia he is not.
Anyway, is that enough fannish overanalysis for the moment? Heh. I think so. *hides*