Last weekend I went on a retreat to Big Bear Lake with my young adults group from church. It was lovely. There was snow! Lots of it! But alas, none actually falling. Just a healthy layer on the ground - I've still never experienced it snowing, or even been in below-freezing temperatures. And every time I go somewhere that usually happens, it doesn't. I feel gypped about this. Oh well. The weekend itself was utterly rejuvenating - wish it could've been longer... I never quite realize how much I miss the mountains until I'm there.
I vascillate between really, really wanting to see a movie made out of the Les Miserables musical, and hoping it'll never see the light of day because... who would do it right? Every word sung? All three hours of music included?
(I'm also trying to decide which cast I like best - blast, I hate getting attached to a particular highlights version [international!], and then not being able to find a full version with the same singers and orchestration. HUMBUG THE SECOND. Anybody have a favorite release of this?)
I am reading William Lane Craig's Time and Eternity, which goes through various theories of time, physics, and metaphysics relating to the discussion of divine timelessness/temporality. My head is about to cave in. It's wonderful, though. I wish I could've taken a class on this in college. It's also good research;
krisology knows why.