Jan 14, 2011 21:32
A FAX came in this morning from Sears, indicating that they had sent payment for the last invoice to my bank-account. Yay!
I also checked with Jack to see what his practice is concerning labour-charges on out-of-shop work, and it's the same as with the plumber: The Labour Charges start as soon as he leaves his shop, and keep going until he gets back. So that seems to be the standard (and it makes sense) and that means I've been under-charging for some jobs. I do have a $50 flat-rate for local work, but there have been a couple of out-of-town calls that I should have been charging more for. I haven't sent in the paperwork for the last Sears job yet though, and that's the one that this makes a big difference with. Three hours of drive-time at $55 an hour makes a huge difference!
Getting into the whole "Business Mindset" is going to take some doing for me. If I don't, I'll undercharge my way out of business. :/