Not quite the end of the work-week...

May 07, 2010 23:38

...but close.

Thanks to a bit of a schedule mix-up, I still have to work tomorrow (Saturday.)  I'm not overly pleased about that, as the original agreement was that I was not to have to work on weekends.  Trying to get the farm cleaned up, and trying to get Iron Pony off the ground, I need at least those two days in a row to get things done.  Still, I can let it go this once; On the plus side, at least I'll be working with Randi, who's a decent person and actually enjoyable to work with (as is Brad, whom I worked with tonight.)

I ache all over though!  I'm not sure if it's just from the weather, or other issues, but I ache.  When I got home from work tonight I took two of the co-op back-pain pills (generic equivalent of Robax Platinum) so I'm hoping those will do the trick.  My lower back isn't "twinging" so I think I'll be fine come the morning.  At least the weather is improving; the sun was out for most of the day, and the wind wasn't too strong.  A few more days like this and all the mud and slop will dry up and life can get back to normal.  Here's hoping!

I still have to wonder who would have dumped Spooky and Smokey (our new barn-cats.)  Smokey in particular is such a friendly cat; all purrs and leg-rubbing and just wanting love and attention.  He isn't so keen on having trixstir  or the Kidling try to pick him up, but I can do it without any problems, and he just purrs like crazy.  I've missed having a purr-ball around; Ginger isn't the most affectionate cat (unless she wants to be) and her purr is barely audible at all.  I've always liked cats who purr like a Harley; I've even pondered changing Smokey's name to Harley for that very reason.  ;)

The 4-H group postponed the Pine-Cree Cleanup until next weekend, thankfully!  I had been wondering if they were going to go through with it, given the rotten weather we'd been having all week.  Waiting until the night before to make a decision is leaving it a bit late, but at least now I know I can sleep in a little tomorrow.

4-h, work, cats

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