(no subject)

Apr 30, 2017 20:02


This summer should be weird but hopefully nice.? - JOB vs FREE TIME  vs THESIS WRITING vs SELF- FULFILLMENT
I have to balance not being totally broke with not really having a job from mid-June to August. I NEED to get all the lab stuff done on my thesis and write my literature review which should be easy because I have read literally over 200 articles on my topic or anything related to my topic and I know so much about it it's disgusting.
At first I was like "wow I should get a job, I love makeup I should work at ULTA NOOOO that would fucking suck I hate people and not having weekends. so I thought about what to do for awhile. My time is worth AT LEAST $25/h before taxes if I'm doing something that uses my degree.

Then I was like well I love dogs, I'll ask to see if I can dog-sit. That panned out but the woman is only paying me $100 for a whole week in June which is like, why did I agree to this? but oh well. I am available for dog-walkin'  or sitting in your house by request for short stretches. I just need to have wifi so I can write my thesis.

I talked to high school kids at a springfield high school and that was pretty amazing, they really liked my sneakers and my tattoos and wanted to ask me a ton of questions about vegetarianism (even the guys, mostly about how to get enough protein which was really cute because
  young man - "my mom just feeds me rice and beans all the time and I need protein!"
  me - THATS WONDERFUL! Did you know that rice and beans are what we call complementary proteins because when you eat them together you get ALL of the essential amino acids?! You're mom is doing a wonderful job keeping you fit and ready for soccer!
he was like wtfffff wow I don't have to eat chicken EVERY day?!) SO they loved me and  long story short I am a chemistry teacher for a few weeks in May and the beginning of June. I am so proud of myself because I 1000% bullshitted this thing called a "scope of services" they asked me to write. I keep just pulling things out of my butt and it's amazing.

>>>> I'm also excitedly available for in-depth nutrition counseling. especially if you already see me. I'm excited.
Honestly there are 7 days in the week, let's say you eat 4 meals every day OR EVEN LESS. That's 28 opportunities to feel really good about your choices or feel like shit. If you make 3 out of 4 of your weekday meals ahead of time with HEALTHY FOOD and just TWO of each weekend measl this palatable healthy thing and don't TOTALLY fuck it up with snacks or when you go out like eat an entire fucking flourless cake you doing really fucking good! Compare doing this and knowing that at least 60% of your meals are healthy vs stressing about making ALL of them healthy or just saying vaguely you are going to try to cut out the junk.  THIS IS SUSTAINABLE WITH PRACTICE. I CAN HELP YOU WITH ANY OF THESE STEPS from planning to shopping to math for reassurance to execution to actually just fucking doing it for you because seriously you might make enough to afford to pay me the cost of the food, the one time cost of the tupperware, the cost of the meal plannning and the prep of the food which honestly the whole process takes me 4-5 hours every Saturday.

Free time .
So I've been waiting for the summer and I should make a list of things I want to do. If you also want to do these things with me let me know, if they cost money I don't know how successful that might be unless I also take the other job that was offered to me with disabled kids from July to August. These all have their costs and some are significant so if you want to sugar mamma me a little bit I won't feel weird about it hahaha. Maybe I can help by packing snacks or booking or something. I won't be totally broke otherwise I wouldn't even suggest most of these. I do these with Matt, I just feel like maybe I should put these on the table for other people as well so I'm not bummed that there's no one to do things with. It's weird when everyone works it's hard to plan weekday trips. MANY of these are weather-dependent.
  1. See some beautiful nature on a budget. Long-term trip (days' long) or short-term trip (VT or closer). Niagra Falls, Mountains that are far away, destination trips are ok too. By budget I mean pay for the hotel room but grocery shop instead of eat out, etc. Cheaply do cool things.
  2. Camp for one or two nights, three tops. Kind-of a tag-a-long on other people's longer camping trip scenario. Of course can help with overall cost of camping site. I don't even know if this is a thing I just hate long term camping trips.
  3. Walk a super, super long hike (at least 7 sisters trail long). Possibly park a car at both ends or arrange for a pickup at the end. While also being super mindful of ticks which is really frightening me.
  4. Shorter hiking trips. MY FAVORITE ACTIVITY is getting sandwiches from Tailgate and hiking up Bear Mt. or the other one and eating the sandwiches and then hiking down and getting ice cream at Atkins. I am permanently looking for people who want to do this with me during weekdays this summer. Open invite.
  5. Do people's makeup. No charge. I just want to try on other people's faces. Come over my house, specifically so I don't lug all my shit around. Learn how to braid my hair =( I hate that I can't take care of it quickly.
  6. Get into a serious weight-lifting routine. I am DESPERATELY seeking a buddy who has inititiave and won't bail.
  7. Wedding ring shopping. I know this isn't fun to literally anyone but I hate everything I see and literally shelved this whole ring thing since last September and I'd at least like to look at some nicer places/ones in person so if you are somewhere on that journey or know someone, I would love a friend.
  8. Paint and draw outside. I don't have like, an outside painting kit but it would be a fun picnic. I have basic supplies.
  9. Drive to the Bookmill and actually quietly read, not just have lunch and stare at the waterfall and buy a book and not read it. READ for like an hour or so!
  10. Go to that roaring twenties party thing. Get a dress and jewelry for it, so basically go thrift shopping.
  11. I've never been to the big flea market (Brimfield?) do that.
  12. SWIM! I don't even know where to swim. Nobody seems to want to swim.
  13. Noho farmer's market on Tuesdays
  15. pedicures.
  16. Ok this is getting expensive.
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