Apr 27, 2010 07:34
After reading one of the 'helmet' post comments regarding how embarresed an old beat-up helmet made her as a kid, I wondered whether there was anything that mortified me or made me proud to wear when I was a kid.
Yes and yes! Brought back some nice memories.
My deathly embarrasing moment was when I was 16 and being assesed as to whether my riding skills were up to par to be accepted to college. I went along in a t-shirt, jodhs and a jockey skull cap with a bubblegum pink cover on it! All the other kids were wearing show attire. Well, one other wasn't. Sally from Wales became my very best friend at college!
My best clothing moment was when my Mum realised I was serious about riding and took me to get boots, jodhs and a green quilkted jacket when I was nine. Oh and black knitted pimple palm gloves. Man I felt a million feet tall that day and I insisted on wearing the whole ensemble home!
Anyone care to share some memories? :)