brick by brick

Sep 07, 2014 20:18

day 3 lookit me go i've stuck with this for three whole days i can't believe it

so i ended up having to do some work today but i got to work from home so that was nice i took looooots of break haha. and i chatted with my parents too! we talk once a week every sunday (unless one of us is busy and then we reschedule) and i look forward to it a lot. i miss my family all the time i wish it was cheaper and easier for me to go home more often. i keep in touch with my parents pretty well but i miss doing stuff with my brothers. we're not great at texting each other unless we're specifically sharing something about a show we all watch or something. which i love, but i only get updates on their lives from my parents. i know i could just start texting them more but idk its weird i don't wanna bother them.

um. anyway. i started party down last night and i'm now on the second ep of season 2. where has this show been all my life, is what i want to know. as much as hulu plus is the biggest scam in the history of anything, i'm so happy to be able to watch this show that's been on my list for a while. and omg it's so good it's pure gold, for real. go watch it if you haven't!! (idk if it's only on hulu plus or on regular hulu too) but anyway my adam scott situation is 500 times worse now so that's great.

i don't know what else to talk about my day to day life isn't super exciting i'm gonna browse the googledoc for some stuff to talk about tomorrow i think. what happened to those questions of the day lj used to have??

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