i roll and i roll til i change my luck

Sep 08, 2014 22:15

we're winding down at work and i'm starting to get really checked out. most of the editors are gone and we're talking about final things that need to be done and my last day is in like two and half weeks and i'm really just feeling the senioritis. i want to be done. i shouldn't, because then it's back to job hunting/being an extra and that's really stressful but man i just want like...a week to myself. which i will more or less get because my roommate is going to france next week and i'll have the apartment to myself. a few of the days will even be work free as well and i'm pretty excited about it. i love my roommate, she's one of my best friends, but i'm really looking forward to some genuine alone time.

today's entry is short because i'm grumpy and tired. and i want to read and comment on all the others so. bye babes <3

ps - this song is so so so so good i've listened to it non-stop all day don't let the 1d deter you

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