i can't do this all on my own

Sep 06, 2014 18:31

day 2 here we go!!!!

welp it's saturday and for the first time in a while i didn't have anything going on nor did i have pressing errands that i needed to run so i got to sleep in and do nothing! it's been magical. especially since i probably have to work tomorrow. i might get to work from home, which i hope is the case, but if they don't lock the episode tonight i'll have to go in. it's not a huuuuuge deal, i only live like 5 minutes away, but still i'd rather not go in. my weekends are precious to me.

last night after work i met up with some friends for a surprise dinner for one of our other friends' birthday. i was late because i had to work really late and everyone was there already and the surprise had happened, but my roommate ordered food for me so it was there when i got there and stuff. overall it was pleasant enough, i hadn't seen these friends in a while and it was nice to hang out! but the birthday boy and his fiancee made it awkward a couple times. like my roommate and i are convinced they don't like each other. they definitely don't act like they like each other. she's just constantly immature and kind of acts like prairie trash a lot and he's just constantly annoyed by it. she also gave him his gift at dinner and like it was a pretty horrible gift so that was awkward but then he flat out rejected it and was like "no, i really don't want this. this is bad gift." and just like embarrassed her and it was rough, man. i'm going to their engagement party in like two weeks here's hoping that outing is better.

so yeah that's p much what's up with me rn i'll probably do some kind of prompt tomorrow or something idk what else to write about

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