I don't know how to say "mièvre".

May 18, 2010 00:22

So it appears my taxi is coming in 4 hours and I'm still not done packing. Actually I'd like to go get myself a green tea and stroll the streets at night, but then again the luggage won't take care of itself.
I can't remember if I've mentioned it before in here, but I left France and I've been living in Vancouver for 4 months and a half now. Because of school, and I was while I was excited in September I was terrified in January just before leaving.

Then I got here, and I had to apart-hunt, get a job, and live with just the money that I earn, wake up at 4am to go to work, and try to get used to the city. And now I'm going back to Europe.

I'm... sort of surprised at how well I handled it? I mean maybe it's just because I accepted it as inevitable at some point and just dealt with it, but, still. Last year at the same period I didn't even know where I was going with my life, if I'd get accepted into this school and what I'd do if it wasn't the case. Now I'm autonomous, in a foreign country where French isn't widely spoken (at least in this area) and I don't know many people here. And I'm making plans until 2014. It feels ridiculously good.

I think I'm going to miss the city for that. I won't get to go to the library and snort at the Coliseum-inspired architecture, or walk up Robson Street and look at signs asking for hipsters to use the backdoor, or see Robson Square (man I saw the OLYMPIC GAMES CLOSING CEREMONY there, I can tell you the maple leafs of the finale were really huge), or the agitation of Granville Street and its perpetual reeks of weed. I'm not joking about the smell, seriously it's so strong they must smoke it pure and not even cut with tobacco. I don't know when I'll get to meet some cool people again, when I will get to hear so much of Asian languages again... At least I'll have music still. I swear, I can't listen to "Million Ways" by OK Go without finding myself in Commercial Drive, or a theatre on a deserted Smithe Street if it's the Sherlock Holmes OST. I quite like that. I'll definitely have to come back to associate some more music to places I haven't had the chance to discover in these 4 months, because if would be too big a shame if I didn't.

Also, I recorded myself reading something today, and I listened again to something I recorded last September for a micwhore thread.

What the FUCK happened to my accent?

still not at home, no that's just dust, outrageous accents

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