Meme upon meme

Sep 27, 2010 15:40

This journal is dead, but I now have an excuse! Namely my lack of internet at home. I won't have it until I don't know when, my translation teachers are going to be so surprised by my sudden lack of vocabulary.

Anyway! Meme. Picture meme, that I've seen in so many places I can't really tell who I've stolen it from.

Take a picture of yourself, as you are right now, no changing clothes or makeup or especially photoshop, and post it.

Except I somehow managed to present much less rough that I'm feeling right now.

And 5 questions, asked by artillie  :

Leave me a comment and I'll reply with five questions to pester you with. (if you'd like of course)

1. What was your very least favorite part of living in Canada?

The physical contact withdrawal. I've never considered myself a particularly tactile person, but I could literally go on days without touching anyone. I'm talking about real contact here, and not desperately casual ones like fingers brushing when you hand back change. No hugs, no significant significant other. This made me love meeting my French friends even more because I was sure that we would greet each other kissing la bise. If I had stayed longer I would have had myself checked at the local hospital for leprosy.

2. What kind of notebook do you prefer to write on?

I'm really anal about my choices for notebooks for school: quite thick and almost glossy paper, with purple AND light blue lines. I'm not very developed brain-wise, I can't write straight if all the lines are the same colour because my lines jump 1mm higher or lower all the time. This isn't really good for my wallet, but at least it gets me neat notebooks.
(I couldn't care less when it's for fic writing. It takes me pages and pages to write 500 words because I edit as I write (yes I know), so I've already given up on the idea of a clean sheet before I pick up my mechanical pencil.)

3. Congratulations! You can only wear one color, head to toe, for the rest of your life. What color do you pick?

GOD NOT BLUE. I can't pinpoint exactly why, but head-to-toe blue is the one monochrome look I've never liked. I'd pick black, I think? Or grey, grey is good and- can I have different shades of grey though?

4. What was your favorite book as a child? Do you still own it?

I read a lot when I as younger and I frequently raided my town's library, but I... never really read a book more than once? I always wanted something new, so until my brother bought me the first volume of Harry Potter when I was 10, I didn't have a favourite book. I still have this book back home, it still smells the same-- I LOVE IT when new books use the same ink.

5. Are there any songs you can't stop listening to right now?

- Jay Reatard, "It's Such a Shame" I cannot STOP.
- Arcade Fire's whole last album, but especially "Modern Man", and "Half Light I", and "Rococo" which is so (and I'm carefully choosing my words here) ironic coming from them, and-- you know what let's just say the whole album. Oh and "Cars and Telephones" is just too pretty not to share.
- Los Campesinos!, "My Year in Lists". It wakes me up and makes me smile, despite the lyrics. I don't want a lot more!


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