Title: Psycho Savior, qu'est-ce que c'est?
Author: Kalima
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: gen
Categories: attempted suicide, character study, angst
Length: Medium
Author on LJ: n/a?
Author Website:
www.buggerthis.net Author's Summary: A young woman contemplates suicide by power steering fluid. "'Course you could just eat the gun like Cobain-- wait, what year is this? He done that yet?"
As fans of the show following the Doctor, I think we often lose sight of just how bizarre he must appear to people who don't know him from Adam. In this story the narrator encounters the Ninth Doctor who is just spot-on. No, really. Kalima captures his impatience, dark humor, caring (even when he claims not), and hints of his own demons. The narrator's reaction is fabulous because even when she's pissed off at him and/or scared of him, she's still utterly and believably drawn in by him - as the show as demonstrated, time and time again, the Doctor has that sort of effect on people despite their better judgment.
Plus, as a plotline, you get the most original "haunted house" I've ever encountered - perfect fit for Doctor Who with its often crack-ish premises.
Psycho Savior, qu'est-ce que c'est?