Title: Beech Hall and Without Ceremony
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Snape
Categories: drama, humor, romance
Length: epic
Warnings: written before Book 7
Author on LJ:
auctasinistra Author Website:
http://www.thephialcabinet.com/ Review:
After killing Voldemort, Harry buys a wizarding mansion and promptly finds himself doing battle with an aggressively unpleasant house. Meanwhile, the remaining death eaters find out that Severus is a traitor. Dumbledore's solution? Ship Severus off to Harry's house, of course! At least Harry will have some help dealing with the vampire gnats...
I read this fic after a long weekend of Sentinel stories. Since The Sentinel is quite possibly the most melodramatic fandom in the universe (not that there's anything wrong with that -- sometimes you're in the mood for a little melodrama), I particularly enjoyed the more subdued feel of Beech Hall. Harry and Severus are both beautifully in character, their dialogue is snappy and entertaining, and their developing relationship is plausible and warming. There's also a very entertaining character in Beech Hall itself, what with its exploding centerpieces and chronic attacks of ghostly bats. Rounding out the cast are a very entertaining Ron and Hermione and a not-too-irritating pair of OCs. Perfect for anyone looking for a bit of quiet, old-fashioned romance.
Beech Hall Without Ceremony