Consider the hands that write this letter by Watermellonsmellinfellon (NC-17)

Apr 06, 2016 00:27

Title: Consider the Hands That Write This Letter
Fandom: Hannibal
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Categories/Genres: Dark, Canon Divergence
Length: 20193
Warnings: Major Character Death (Not Will or Hannibal)

Author/Artist on AO3: Watermelonsmellinfellon

Summary: Hannibal had written a letter to Will and Alana decided not to have it sent. In a misguided notion of mercy, she decides that Will doesn't need to know that Hannibal is trying to contact him and lies to Hannibal, telling him that Will has threatened to leave should Hannibal persist. She decides to just have the letters shredded.

Hannibal realizes the opportunity for what it is and chooses to continue writing to Will, pouring his heart into those words and using his Memory Palace Will to pretend that everything is right with the world. He can confess his adoration and Will would never know. Hannibal would never have to face rejection and Will wouldn't know his feelings.

But there is a small issue. One of the orderlies doesn't like Alana's decision and secrets away the letters, sending them to Will Graham anyway.

Hannibal bares his soul, Will falls in love and sheds his fears, and Alana is unaware of it all.
Oh, the drama that shall unfold.

Review: The Hannibal fandom is a tricky business and I deeply admire the people that try to write for this pairing. I feel that is mainly because their main characters are so pure in their incompatibility. Hannibal isn’t hannibal without killing and Will isn’t Will if he wasn’t always tormented with the desire to be better than that.

In this fic the writer compromises by making each character meet halfway. Hannibal is more protective and less damaging to Will and Will is more willing to join the dark. So while the characters are a little ooc as they have to be, the story is fantastic and keeps you on your toes about where it is going.

The tension is kept up as these two genius’ try to out-smart each other. In the end if it wasn’t for the intervention of smaller characters these two would never have communicated at all. And above all else this fic keeps in mind my number one rule I have when reading Hannibal fics and that is that Will must be safe and unharmed. As beautiful as the show is, I could never handle the constant threat that was a kitten like Will being placed in a shark tank like that and watching all the other characters try their very best to tear chunks off of him. I have never had the desire to pull a character through a screen to keep them safe before but for this show it was something I felt every episode.

Consider the Hands That Write This Letter

recs by dreamsparkle3, pairing: slash, genre: dark, fandom: hannibal, length: long

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