Darkness, Darkness and Gray Goes Black by Gwynneth (unrated)

Apr 06, 2016 22:05

Title: Darkness, Darkness and Gray Goes Black
Fandom: Miracles
Pairing: gen
Categories: vid, recruiter vid, dark, horror, character study
Length: vid, 4mins and 3min12
Warnings: blood, whump, gore, violence, disturbing imagery. There is a physical triggers warning on Gray Goes Black.

Author on Livejournal: gwyn-r
Author Website: Chez Vids (Gwyneth's vid site)

Gray Goes Black The blood we're sinking in.
Darkness, Darkness God is now here, or God is nowhere -- it's hard to tell in the nightmarish world of Paul Callan.

Review: Gwyneth's amazing Miracles vids serve as the best advertisement there is out there for this (small, sadly very prematurely cancelled) fandom which explored supernatural tales that were... generally a bit less pulled out of a genre writer's ass than more successful shows like SPN and X-Files. The vids are beautiful even if you've never seen the fandom, and y'know, introducing the amazing whump-magnet that is Paul Callan (played by Skeet Ulrich), who I think made it through, what, one episode of this show's thirteen without being injured?

Darkness, Darkness was my own introduction to the show, a surreal, grim character study with contrasting innocent and bloodsoaked imagery, from the gorgeously filmed car/train collision to the rain of blood to the ghost children that seem to follow Paul around. It encapsulates mostly the pilot episode with a few clips from other early episodes and is an older vid, a little slower in pacing. That may be part of what allows it to have a coherent narrative even in absence of knowledge of the show. Certainly I was watching this one on repeat even before I'd ever seen an episode.

Gray Goes Black is Gwyneth's updated take on the show made some years later, incorporating the whole series, in all its creepy, grim glory, moving at a much quicker pace with a broader focus on Paul and Alva and the cases that they investigate.

Both vids really hit home how stunningly beautiful and freakin' creepy this show was, and it may be a product of the fandom being so small, but for me they're so integral within it that it's impossible to think of the fandom without thinking of these vids. I can't split them apart for reccing purposes: Darkness, Darkness is the vid that I'll always remember which drew me into this fandom, Gray Goes Black is faster paced and just as incredible, and may be more appealing to updated audiences, over a decade on.

Darkness, Darkness and Gray Goes Black
[Downloads for both are on this page.]

fandom: small fandom, genre: horror, genre: character study, medium: vid, genre: dark, recs by roseveare, pairing: gen

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