Learning an Angry Language by Gyzym (unrated)

Mar 30, 2016 21:22

Title: Learning an Angry Language
Fandom: Fairytales & Mythology
Pairing: Red Riding Hood/Rapunzel
Categories: hard to categorise... femslash, AU, crossover, dark/parody-ish
Length: medium, 2100 words
Warnings: author warns for cultural misogyny and attempted rape

Author on Livejournal: n/a?
Author Website: Gyzym on Tumblr | on AO3

Summary: Captivity, as it happens, recognizes its own. There are worse things in the forest than wolves.

Review: She is born screaming.

Her mother smiles, exhausted, and calls her Scarlett for the color on her cheeks. It is her grandmother who gives her the cape, knitted with shaking hands; it is her father who bestows her the nickname Little Red, grinning indulgently at her from across the fire. She has the run of the house, cape billowing behind her like wings, laughter always thick on her tongue; she listens carefully, but well. She knows better than to talk to strangers in the forest. She is a good daughter.

An oddity, today a rec for a fic posted only, so far as I can see, on Tumblr! I can't see any better way to rec it than to quote from the opening paragraph. Beautifully written; there are so, so many good lines in this. Red Riding Hood grows up and sets out into the world and woos Rapunzel, and princes everywhere need beware.

It also has a nicely done podfic, via which I discovered the story in my podfic binge the other week, for those who might prefer to 'read' it in that format. The story is unrated by the author but the podficcer has plumped for 'mature'.

Learning an Angry Language

genre: au, genre: crossover, fandom: fairytale/mythology, recs by roseveare, pairing: femslash, length: medium

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