See You Again by Terrilynn88 (unrated)

Feb 11, 2016 08:23

Title: When I See You Again
Fandom: Haven
Pairing: Duke Crocker/Nathan Wuornos (could be read as friendship or slash)
Categories: fanvid, slash, friendship
Length: (vid) 3mins47
Warnings: canon *spoilers* for the finale and major warnings that come with that

Author on Livejournal: n/a?
Author Website: Terrilynn88 on Tumblr

Summary: See you Again: Nathan and Duke.

Perfectly formed Duke/Nathan vid that incorporates the whole series from beginning to end (with the accompanying spoiler warnings that this includes the finale).

The sadly-increasing practise of peppering sound clips throughout the whole of a vid frankly drives me bananas, but I'm inclined to forgive this one.

See You Again

genre: friendship, genre: slash, genre: bonding, fandom: haven, genre: sad_stories, pairing: duke crocker/nathan wuornos, medium: vid, recs by roseveare

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