Team Dynamics, Family, and Other Things That Will Hurt You by Pistol (NC-17)

Mar 22, 2012 10:07

Title: Team Dynamics, Family, and Other Things That Will Hurt You
Fandom: The Losers
Pairing: Cougar/Jensen
Categories: Angst , Pre-slash, Pre-series, Sad Story
Length: Super!Epic
Warnings: Homophobia; Semi-graphic depictions of violence; Child Abuse;

Author on Ao3:  Pistol pistolbunny
Author Website:  n/a

Summary:  The man tells him how joining up is like starting a whole new life, becoming a better person. He talks about incentives, career opportunities, health care, and saving plans, but Jake can’t stop staring at the picture of a man and woman looking proudly at their daughter in uniform.

Review: Once you start on this series you’re not going to be able to put it back down. Even if it means you’re reading with one hand and trying to cook with the other.

Jensen’s voice in this is just amazing. His just the right mix of completely crazy and brilliant with a dash of dorkiness thrown in. Parts of the story will have you sobbing while others will have you laughing your head off. Basically…go…and don’t worry if you don’t know much about the Loser’s fandom.

Because this is one awesome origin story.

Team Dynamics, Family, and Other Things That Will Hurt You

fandom: the losers, genre: pre-slash, genre: angst, recs by chibifukurou, genre: sad_stories, length: super!epic, pairing: slash, genre: pre-canon

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