Kahu a Alaka’i by Cattraine (NC-17)

Mar 22, 2012 00:16

Title: Kahu a Alaka’i by Cattraine
Fandom: Hawaii 5-0, The Sentinel
Pairing: Steve/Danny
Categories: AU, Crossover, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Length: Long (15,000+)
Warnings: Attempted suicide.

Author on LJ: cattraine
Website: n/a (?)

In a world where Sentinels serve the military and Guides are chattel, Steve is an unbonded Sentinel and Danny an unwilling Guide.

Initially I had planned on waiting until the series this fic started was finished before reccing it in its entirety but, to tell the truth, I think this story stands perfectly fine on its own. Beginning pre-canon with a completely different set of rules governing their lives, the Steve and Danny we meet in this fic aren’t necessarily the ones we know from the show. They’re different in a multitude of tiny ways, forced by their own circumstances to act in a way that might be considered out-of-character, but actually ends up helping them grow and develop into the men we know them to be.

One of the big things I liked about this fic is that Cattraine doesn't necessarily hold to 'The Sentinel' norm, with both the Sentinel and the Guide overjoyed to finally find one another. Instead, Steve is overjoyed and Danny is rebellious; completely terrified that his life is about to change in the most fundamental of ways. Which it does, but not in the ways he's thinking and that, in and of itself, is refreshing, especially after you've read the number of crossovers with ‘The Sentinel’ as I have.

All in all I'd say that this fic is an enjoyable read and worth giving a try if you’re looking for something different from canon.

Kahu a Alaka'i

genre: romance, fandom: hawaii 5-0 (2010), genre: angst, genre: crossover, genre: hurt/comfort, length: long, recs by slyprentice, genre: au, genre: drama, pairing: slash, pairing: steve/danny

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