Country Life by Keiko Kirin (PG-15?)

Sep 04, 2010 08:57

Title: Country Life by Keiko Kirin
Fandom: The Persuaders
Pairing: Brett/Danny
Categories: Romance, humour
Length: Medium - 9,900 words
Warning: None
Rating: Author does not rate; I'd give it a PG-15 at most.

Author on LJ: sakana17 - also on Dreamwidth
Website: The Keikotorium

Summary: Danny and Brett escape London for a few days, and that's when things get interesting ...

Review: Intending to spend a quiet few days at one of the many Sinclair family houses, Brett and Danny get caught up in the sort of mayhem that occurs in so many episodes of the show. Naturally enough they do not just breeze up to the front door and let themselves in with the key - that would be too easy! No, instead they observe the house from a hay-loft (a straw-loft?) for a while beforehand, and in doing so they witness various unscheduled comings and goings. Danny, being no newcomer to Sinclair country houses, is well aware that these are probably international assassins, sinister scientists, jewel thieves or counterfeiters of some sort, and of course he also knows exactly what to do about it:

"Soon as it's dark, we'll sneak in, get caught, have a couple of fights, and get locked in the wine cellar. But at least we'll know who those creeps are and what's going on."

Only, while they're waiting for the plot to reveal itself, Brett and Danny are snuggling together in the straw - which is when things gradually begin to get intimate between them.

Keiko Kirin has a sure touch when it comes to Brett and Danny; the dialogue (especially Danny's) and the situations they find themselves in are absolutely spot-on and could - with the obvious exception - almost have been lifted directly out of an episode. What's different about Keiko's stories, of course, is the slash element; she shows the characters' obvious affection for one another changing almost imperceptibly, and allows them to handle the physical aspects of their love without displaying any overblown panic or revulsion. (The temptation to think of past eras as invariably homophobic has ruined more than its fair share of fan-fiction; fortunately it's a trap this author skilfully avoids.)

This is not a dramatic story, there is no angst, and in fact not a great deal happens - by comparison with the characters' ordinary lives, anyway! However it is accurately observed and extremely well-written, and is on the whole a gentle and heart-warming piece served with a side dish of wry humour. Thoroughly recommended for those who like their slash uncomplicated and just plain fun.

Link: Country Life

fandom: persuaders, genre: romance, recs by theficklepickle, genre: humor, pairing: slash, length: medium

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