Full of Surprises by Ladylahatiel (NC-17)

Sep 04, 2010 01:47

Title: Full of Surprises
Fandom: Iron Man
Pairing: Tony/Jarvis
Categories: Romance, Humor, Hurt/Comfort
Length: Medium
Warnings: Smut with an AI..?

Author on LJ: ladylahatiel
Website: n/a..?

While Tony was away, Jarvis changed. Now he’s about to find out just how much.

This is the story I never realized I wanted to read after seeing the first Iron Man. Set post-movie, it explores a largely ignored ‘what-if’ scenario, namely ‘what if Jarvis had to given himself an ‘upgrade’ while Tony was being held hostage?’ This is, when you think about it, entirely plausible given that Jarvis is an A.I. and already has some very snarky ‘human’ characteristics.

Though I’ll admit that the story itself could have used some expansion - I would have loved to read more on Jarvis’ upgrade; did he become self-aware all at once or was it gradual? - the author did an excellent job of making Jarvis a full fledged character, who has nervous tics, the ability to be self-conscious, and an all too real desire for more. Tony’s reaction to Jarvis’ newfound awareness is similarly well done, with little time spent on Tony pondering the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ and more time spent on “exploring” and “testing” this new aspect of his A.I.’s…personality? How ever you want to call it, it fits, and I’d be hard pressed to see it any other way after reading this.

( Part 1), ( Part 2 ), ( Part 3 ), ( Part 4 ), ( Part 5 ), ( Part 6 )

genre: romance, genre: humor, fandom: marvel mcu, pairing: slash, genre: hurt/comfort, length: medium, recs by slyprentice

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