Title: Road Trip Arc
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Duo/Heero, Quatre/Trowa, unrequited Wufie/Duo
Categories: Friends, Pre-Slash, Post-Cannon, Romance,
Length: Super-Epic (365,000)
Warnings: Past abuse and rape
Author on LJ:
Sunhawk's Fics Review: Road Trip arc is an epic Gundam Wing story taking place during and after the series. It's one of the few almost fully within cannon epic's I've really loved, since it builds on the war without making the war the main point of the fic. That is often hard for fanfic author's to manage in a fandom since the original cannon was based almost solely around missions, and had a loose timeline.
In this series Duo is suffering from emotional damage caused by severe physical and sexual abuse he suffered while a child on L2. While there is no present day abuse, the flashbacks can be squicky so if you're very sensitive when it comes to reading about abuse, this probabaly isn't the series for you.
Heero's growth as a person throughout the series is refreshing and well-rendered, avoiding the pitfalls of giving him a complete personality change once the war ends. He's stoic without being unmovable and he honestly cares about Duo even if he's not sure how to go about proving it.
The supporting cast is well written, though not as fully realized as in some of Sunhawks other stories, and really help to flesh out the story without taking it over. This is a long, emotionally charged epic that will keep you glued to your computer screen for a long time so make sure you're prepared.
One last word of warning, this series is written as a series of virginetes, so the ending is a bit less polished than is usual for Sunhawk's stories.
Road Trip Arc