Nov 20, 2008 16:09
Okay, if the subject didn't give it away, today's a topical race-driven rant by yours truly.
As I'm sure most of you know, I'm a half-breed. A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito...
...oops, sorry, I think I just got my Nirvana wires crossed.
*Ahem* Today's rant is concerning just that. More importantly, it's concerning the matter of what is termed "interracial" dating. Now, for those of you who can't use context clues, it's when two people get together that aren't from the same ethnic background. When you hear this, you typically think of someone who's out there getting skin cancer trying to get a tan with someone who's blacker than night. But this includes any and all types.
I'm a proud product of a black person and a white person. Now, this being the south, it's still kinda looked down upon even though it's finally becoming more regular. I'm glad; as a product, I have no choice BUT advocate it. lol
Now, what brings me to actually take the time to talk about this is a recent encounter that pissed me off. A friend's family were harping on her because they were worried she might be dating a black guy. OH MY GOD!! The world's coming to an end! IT'S AN ABOMINATION!!!
But I digress. I've had much experience with this typical kind of problem. My teenage years were spent ducking out of windows with my cousins cause the girls they dated had parents that would fucking kill their daughters, or disown them, if they got caught dating a man of color. And you know, I HONESTLY never factored that in any of the times I asked a girl out. It was always a question a friend or someone else would ask. It usually went along these lines.
Me: She said no. *sigh*
Friend: Aaron, does she even date black people?
Me: *shrug* I don't know. But she's got several friends that are black and other nationalities.
Friend: Um...Aaron. Friends and "dating" are two different things.
I don't like to think that way, so I typically don't. I like to generally give people the benefit of the doubt. But I know it goes on, and so when it's blatant like this, it bugs me. It makes me want to slap the shit out them and every other fucktard out there. "It's the fucking new millenium! Get over it!"
*Ahem* Moving on, I've got this to say about the matter then I'm dropping it. I have NO sympathy, NONE, for anyone that is attracted to/likes a person that is a different "race" but won't date them because their family won't approve, don't want eyes on them, what-the-fuck ever. You don't deserve sympathy, you deserve scorn for your weakness, you fucking coward. So when ANY of you that do this end up alone and fucking miserable, or dating some asshat who emotionally/physically hurts you all the time, I'm going to point and laugh. Because frankly, YOU DESERVE IT. You blow a chance with a potentially great person because their skin color is different from yours?!? Thank the Good Lord that gave us all breath my parents and other choice members of my family didn't think the way you did or I, my cousins, nor my wonderful younger siblings would be here!
You asshats that want to say, "I don't think it's bad, I just don't believe in it," do me a favor and go fucking jump off a cliff, rot in hell, and do the world a favor. You don't believe in it? That's the EXACT same as saying you don't believe in my, or my siblings', existence. Think about it, it is.
And I know it isn't easy. Anywhere I go in the south with my family, rooms quieten, eyes shoot directly at us. OHHH, and don't even think I'm just referring to white people, either. Black people aren't innocent in this, either. There's racism on BOTH sides. I don't care what ANYONE says. girls are NOTORIOUS for this. I was one time walking in a mall with my friend; a white girl. Every black girl or group of black girls looked at us with disgust. I was quite amused.
Back to the racism thing. Growing up, I got it on both sides. I was too white for the black kids, and too black for the white kids. Then they'd turn around and try to get me to claim their side! And GOD how many times have I been asked if I'm mixed because I don't fit a fucking stereotype! News flash! I'm not just white, I'm not just black. I'm both. I'm the descendant of slaves and slave owners. If you think that makes me an abomination, you're welcome to your opinion, but have the balls to say it to my face so I can break yours.
And it wasn't a case of my mom's family being progressive thinkers, either, so get that idea out of your head. My mom's family were NOT accepting of it, either. My aunt was the first one to break the taboo, but my mom followed suit. Part of the family didn't talk to either of them for years. Even my grandfather, whom I love and adore. I'm glad I never knew this growing up; it would have broke my heart. But my grandfather got over it and decided he'd rather have his family in his life than to let something so stupid get in the way. But there's still a lot of reservation on my mom's side of the family. I have great aunts and uncles and their families that I barely ever see or invite us to family dinners because of that.
And how many of us are "pure" anything anymore, anyway? Most people I know will have at least THREE ethnicities that they have. And these are the ones they know about. And the kids of interracial dating aren't inferior to anyone else. My little brother and sisters are SO smart and my little sisters will grow up more beautiful than most of these girls out there. They're gorgeous and are fortunate that they're mixed ancestry blended so well. I'd like ANYONE to meet any of them and then try to tell me that their existence is a mistake or an abomination. It's not; they're three wonderful young people. ^_^
It's different, however, if you're just not attracted to a particular ethnicity. That's completely different; you can't necessarily help who and what you're attracted to. I, myself, am not particularly attracted to black girls more often than not. There have been a couple I've liked and asked out, but more often than not I don't.
...of course, that has more to do with their personality than anything else, but that's a rant for another time.
To close, I hope I was able to relatively intelligently get my point across. Sorry for the length, but it struck a nerve. If I stepped on any toes, then good, it means it affected you and you might actually think on the matter and suss out your own feelings on the issue. And I'd be glad to hear any opinions, good or bad. Either way, be prepared to defend your position.
Long and short of it is: Interracial dating's the wave of the future. Fucking get over it or get out of the way.
mixed couples,
interracial dating