Where the heck is Azmy?
I know that he comes home one of these days, but I can't remember when. Hopefully soon because I want to see him before I leave. Actually, there's a lot of people I need to see. A lot of people I haven't seen for over a year and would like to spend some time -- any time -- with before I leave.
On a completely separate note, I feel like ranting a little. You can find that later in my post. For now, I will go over the basics.
For those of you counting, it looks like I will fly out of Toronto to Los Angeles on July 5 and come back October 3. It'll be on Air Canada. Never flown them before. They'd better show a good movie.
I'm moving out of this apartment completely on Tuesday. First I have to bus it back to Ancaster Tuesday morning for a meeting with the Credit Union and a doctor's appointment, then I come back here and move everything out in the evening.
Yesterday I received my student visa and all the other paper work required for the trip. It looks like things are pretty much finalized. I'm leaving the doors open for the possibility of a fuck-up. It's better to be prepared for the unprepared.
Last week I got my new laptop, which was paid for with the funds I don't have. It was an essential purchase. Anyone who knows me would know that I couldn't survive without a computer for more than a few days...and there is no way I could ship this honking stationary computer down there. I bought the Dell Inspiron 9300. It has a 17 inch screen and is pretty damn huge for a laptop, but it'll probably suit me just dandy.
You can see what it looks like here, if you're interested. I also met with a writer who also happens to be a regular customer at Blockbuster for lunch. He works for Fangoria magazine, the horror publication that you'd better have heard of. He'd like to hook me up with some people and maybe work alongside me on a story for Fangoria. The guy has been in the writing business for a good 20 years or more, I think, so I'm glad to have him take me under his wing. I'm not sure what will come of it all, but it'll be interesting to see the result.
Okay, now for that rant you've all been waiting for. I've lost all faith in people. Why? Because so many of them just don't pay attention. In the past few weeks I've had conversations with numerous people who have never heard of Variety. It might not be such a stunning thing if it weren't an international publication. The damn magazine is quoted on movie posters, featured in movies, discussed on television, available at newsstands (yes, even in Ancaster...though there are only a few copies). Still, some people are completely out of the loop. I'm not asking for them to have read it, but to simply be aware of something that has been around since 1905. Hello people, what planet are you on? I figure that if so many individuals are clueless to this, I really can't have faith in them being any more knowledgeable about anything else in society. They're surely the same people preaching about current events from the lyrics of the latest CD they burned off Kazaa. They say ignorance is bliss, but bliss is useless.
That's my rant for today. It's not directed at anyone specifically (I can't even remember if any of the LJ readers fell into the clueless category), so don't take it too personally.
On Sunday I wrap it up at Blockbuster -- at least until I return in October. That's all from me. I promise I'll make a more exciting post soon.