I seriously need a fan in this place.
We turned off the A/C and I've been sweating the night away. Dang humidity. It gets my hair all in a friz.
Well the North By Northeast Music Fest went off fairly well, the most interesting band was the new wave/dance group Shout Out Out Out Out (see photos above). They were supposed to call me for an interview but never did. Too bad. I sort of wanted to interview them and add to their exposure. I kind of like leaving it up to indie bands to contact me. It shows me whether they actually want what their after. So far these guys don't seem all that interested. Granted, they're each in 3 different bands so maybe they just need to focus a little more. If you want to see more photos (colour-corrected by my pal Victor) and a few reviews, the coverage is gradually being posted over here:
www.ent-on.com Either way, a good weekend despite nobody at Blockbuster willing to cover my Saturday shift...which in turn made me miss out on the final night. Funny thing about it is one of the girls who turned me down (saying that she had to go visit her family) called me up (strangely enough not from her family's house) at work that night to ask me to come in early the next night. Her excuse was she needed to view a house she was considering moving into. I told her yes, then listened to her turn me down again for another shift I needed her to cover. What a piss off. The amusing part is that in the bustle of "catching up" on Sunday for the time lost on the Saturday I was working the shift and not the festival, I completely forgot I was supposed to go into work early. So the girl who wouldn't cover two of my shifts ended up being really late for the house showing. If only she had covered the Saturday I would've been on time for the Sunday. She learned her lesson! Well probably not. I doubt she put two and two together.
Jumping back a few hours, I told Yvonne that I would like to take a leave from Blockbuster for Variety/my school internship. Her response: "You can't take a leave for that." My reaction: "alright, well then I'm quitting." Apparently she was a little angered that I said I'd be there for the summer and now I'm off and quitting. I say that she has been "training" me for manager since October and I still haven't seen any results. For a position that was supposed to carry me through the summer, we're 1/3 of the way through that period and I still haven't become a manager. So it's off to a more favourable position -- a job that won't involve return times for DVDs. Yvonne wants me to come back in October when I return. I will, as long as I'm still paid my present wage.
On Friday I submitted all of my SWAP forms, so the process is...in process. Hopefully everything will be finalized in the next two weeks. About freakin' time, don't you think? Hopefully everything goes according to plan. As per usual, I'm not counting on anything from anyone.
My next step is searching for Los Angeles housing. This seems to be just as difficult as every other step in the process. First, it's quite difficult to find three month accomodations. One woman was offering a boarding house space, but with extremely strict rules. Personally, I'm not in favor of people who are laying out the rules before they lay out the floor plan. I think that can only lead to bad things. Another place seems a little more attractive and a little more expensive. Apparently Los Angeles isn't cheap and isn't expensive -- it's SUPER expensive. I also don't know what I'm going to be doing about a bed...since most of these pads aren't furnished. At this point it's all a big mess, and I have about 15 days to figure it out. Aiiiiie!
By the way, for anyone wondering, I have checked Craigslist and several other websites. If you can get any of those posters to respond to an e-mail, I'll give you a gold star. So far I've had very little luck. This is accentuated by the fact that I'm allergic to cats, and half of Los Angeles seems to own a cat. I suppose it has something to do with the high lesbian count. It's not that I'm against lesbians. If you happen to be a nice lesbian without a pussy cat, I'd be happy to live with you.
My hands are starting to stick to the keyboard, so I'm going to move onto something else now. I've been considering giving my LJ a make-over. Then I realized I have no idea what to do with it or how to do it. That basically put me back at square-one. Progress can be a bitch.
Hope everyone is doing well. I'll be in touch soon...