VII. The Seventh Day [Phone] Backdated to Tuesday Afternoon

Nov 30, 2010 23:18

[Filtered from Ange, Jessica and Maria Ushiromiya.]

What is the most efficient way to hurt someone without killing them? I have a score to settle with a little jealous girl.

[Not even bothering to filter this from Parsee. She already warned her that she would die at her hands for bringing up the jealously in her heart. Only reason she's filtering it from the children is that she doesn't exactly want them knowing about Asumu and that whole incident. It's for their own good really.]


[If you go around Mayfield during the midday (about a couple hours after classes end for the day) you'll see Kyrie out with her Winchester shotgun firmly gripped in her hands. But, depending on how much jealously you hold in your heart, you might see her moving at a particularly faster pace. It's not her that's moving faster however.

If your jealously is less than 18 years total then prepared to see Kyrie in a very different light. As if you can sense the animosity coming from her eyes.

If you've been jealous for longer then she'll appear fairly normal to you.

If you've never been jealous of anything...well you must be a liar, but Kyrie will still look fairly dangerous and quicker.]

*tank dempsey, it's always asumu's fault, this is asumu's fault, bitches don't know my gun skills, hide your wife, envious math time, gun time, *antonio salieri, *satori komeiji, *theta, *eva-beatrice, always yandere, *parsee mizuhashi, hide your kids, !phone, *chaos, more envious than you, !outside

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