VIII. The Eight Day [Action/Phone]

Feb 13, 2011 21:56

[So, quite recently, her husband arrived in Mayfield. This has put Kyrie in a very happy mood. The happiest she has been since coming to the town in September.

So today Kyrie can be found in her happy mood in these places. Feel free to run into her at any scenario.

A) At School: Kyrie is speaking to one of the drone faculty members, who is scolding her for some reason. Probably because females teaching math of all things, how absurd, math is a man's subject and women are obviously worse at math then their genetic counterparts! But, unlike her regular routine of shrugging him off and generally ignoring him, she just smiles as the drone rambles on like a sexist pig, laughing every now and then. Drones are so silly~! Feel free to chime in or just watch as Kyrie doesn't give six fucks that he's insulting her.

B) In the library: She's looking up books on how to be a better cook. Her food is already decent and she has had time to improve, but she wants to make a special dinner for her husband eventually and needs to get some new recipes. Every now and then a drone walks by and shushes her, because she's humming happily while she flips through several of the books.

C) At the Rec Center: Kyrie hasn't had time to practice with her gun recently and so she can be found at the recreational center's shooting range in the afternoon, using her Winchester rifle to shoot at targets. Any onlookers may notice that her aim is very good. She almost always hits the center target and if not comes very close to it.]


[At the end of the day, while she's getting dinner ready, she'll hop on the phone to spread more cheer!.]

Hello everyone. I hope everyone had a good day in this place. Just so people from my math class at the high school know, there's no homework due next class. Feel free to relax tonight~!

Oh and one other thing -- my husband, Rudolf, came to Mayfield quite recently. Everyone please welcome him warmly and don't give him any trouble! [and if you do she's going to find out and probably kill you...]

screw mayfield, !phone, silly icon keywords, this is not asumu's fault, always yandere, !outside

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