Let's Have A Beach Ball [Backdated Logs are AWESOME!]

Feb 27, 2009 22:15

Who:Dean [viva_la_impala] and new arrival Anita [a_necromancer]
WhereOutside by the Hedge Maze to start and then leading to The Beach and perhaps beyond. Who knows?!
When: The First Day of "Home Is Where The Heart Is Event" when Anita arrived
Rating:PG-13 for Dean and Anita's potty mouths and Dean's imagination
Summary:Dean goes to meet the new chick
the Story:

Finding his way downstairs and outside was something Dean likened to the ending scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey, all monochromatic and bright. Endless stairs, endless hallways, were all done in white like an institution. Midway he’d stopped, willing himself not to be sick, and recalled Arland’s words. “Keep going.”

When he finally glimpsed green it was a welcome relief, and he stood for a few moments gasping in fresh air as if he’d been holding his breath too long. Once he’d oriented himself he gazed towards the Hedge Maze. The last time he’d been to that place it had been to retrieve Coraline. He hoped this time the experience would be more pleasant. He also hoped Anita was as cute in person as she sounded over the network.

Wandering closer to the tall hedges, his boots crunching across the fresh grass, Dean took a look around. Anita hadn’t specified whether she was standing outside the maze or inside it. Best to check the outer perimeter first.

“Anita?” he called out. “Anniiiiiittttaaaaa?” He was feeling cocky and playful, something he hadn’t felt since he’d gotten here, even when trying to cheer himself up with Coraline. Things had gotten off to a gruesome and weird start, as so many things in his life did, but now, outside, it felt as if a 20 pound weight had lifted off his shoulders. He popped his head around the corner and darted a furtive look around for his prey.

anita blake, dean winchester

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