(no subject)

Feb 27, 2009 09:19

Who: Edward Elric and anyone who wants to endure his raging hunger/grumpiness.
Where First floor.
When: This morning?
Rating: Probably gonna be at least PG-13 for Ed's nasty mouth.
Summary: Ed wakes up and guilt trips himself (AKA nothing new).

Edward snapped his head up, suddenly, his eyes opening wide, his large pupils (he'd been in darkness for so long) almost entirely eclipsing the gold of his irises.

"Aaagh," he groaned, immediately shielding his eyes from the BLINDING LIGHT, head feeling woozy as he tries to concentrate, his automail arm reaching out to stabilize himself and find his surroundings.

Desk, right next to the bed. Edward reached, too hard from confusion, and landed on his face on something HARD and COLD. Stone, he could tell, his "alchemical sense" feeling out the construction and chemical makeup of the floor. Probably high quality, considering how tight the molecules were compacted together. What the compound was didn't matter, really. What DID matter is that it wasn't the soft wooden floor of his and Alfons' shared apartment.

"Alfons?" he tentatively called out, rubbing his eyes furiously so he could see what kind of horror he was involved with now. Had he been captured by someone? Someone against Alfons' work? No...no. Alfons' got a lot of support for his rocketry studies. Then what---

The haze cleared, finally, and he realized that the white formed shapes...doors and hallways and furniture that looked hard and entirely unappetizing. There were weird mildly glowing...squares? (What else to call them, he'd never seen them before.) on the walls that seemed to be running with electricity, but an electricity that Edward had no experience with and would need to study to get the hang of.

"ALFONS!" he called out once more, standing up and cupping his hands around his mouth to make his voice carry. No answer. There was no Alfons, and nothing him and Alfons had ever known.

He whimpered, bringing his fleshy left hand to cover his mouth and muffle the sound, and the emotions raging through him.

Was he going to be alone here, again? Even MORE alone? At least in Munich, he'd known the general idea of where he was...just on the other side of Al, really, and he'd been SURE there was a way to return...

Here? Where was here? With things that Ed had never seen before, constructions that seemed like they couldn't even exist, to Edward's mind. Had his search for his home and his family gotten than much farther?

Edward's bottomless stomach growled, and he just rolled his eyes at his own selfishness. Either way, walking and concentrating would be that much harder when he was low on fuel, so he traced a hand along the wall (he'd woken up in front of a door...in some empty hallway) to discern the elements it composed of lest he have to use them, and started walking. There were voices coming from somewhere, so he headed in that direction, slowly, one hand out and the other loosely hanging at his side, balanced tersely up on the balls of his feet, knees bent ever so slightly. Basic fighting stance, to be careful.

He wondered mildly what he would do if he was forced to stay here for too long. Go insane from loneliness? It was possible. Alfons' always gave him that LOOK when he spoke of alchemy, that look that made Edward want to knock his face in, the look told Edward that he'd never be believed, anywhere, until he got home. It left Ed on the edge of breaking, sometimes, his brother's face, but with a stranger's eyes and memories.

It took every effort not to punch the wall. No good if potential enemies were alerted to his presence (nevermind that he'd called for Alfons several times already). Focus. Focus on bringing your strength back up. His head began to throb, probably the start of a hunger headache.

alphonse elric, edward elric, kururugi suzaku

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