
Feb 27, 2009 09:19

Who: Edward Elric and anyone who wants to endure his raging hunger/grumpiness.
Where First floor.
When: This morning?
Rating: Probably gonna be at least PG-13 for Ed's nasty mouth.
Summary: Ed wakes up and guilt trips himself (AKA nothing new).
Pretend I'm witty, plz. )

alphonse elric, edward elric, kururugi suzaku

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Comments 41

lapispanacea February 27 2009, 21:32:26 UTC
Alphonse was still groggy; he leaned heavily against the wall, and wasn't entirely sure that the slithering sound that hissed through the shadows at the edges of his vision was real or not.

"Hello?" he called. "Is anyone there?" His own voice answered him, faint and distant, and then the halls were silent again.

The last thing he could remember was the transmutation circle.

I must be dead, he thought. But he could still think and feel and needed to breathe. Maybe this was the other side of the Gate.

It didn't look anything like his dreams, and the twisting hallways made his head ache.

Whoever had decorated, he thought with vague distaste, needed to get their eyes checked.

His mouth was dry. There were doors, here and there, and he moved to each one, trying them. They were locked, for the most part, but some opened up into strange rooms -- none of them with a water tap.

Staring into a room full of oddly-colored chess pieces, each the size of a small horse, he began to wonder if he wasn't hallucinating. It was possible -- the ( ... )


scientificity February 27 2009, 21:43:42 UTC
A new voice, calling, with a vague familiarity to the sound. Ed gripped his skull. The hunger headache had become a pounding and he wanted to throw up. Fear made him queasy. The fear that he'd never come upon a familiar face ever again ( ... )


lapispanacea February 27 2009, 21:50:18 UTC
Alphonse halted at the noise; he could smell the pervasive, acrid scent of ozone, both abrasive and familiar. Alchemy? It could be. It could be.

"Hello?" he called again, too winded to put much effort behind it. Too much time in the laboratory, not enough time practicing his forms. The hallways seemed to go on forever, to double back on themselves and twist in circles. But the sound had come from that direction, so he broke into a run again.

Alphonse turned one corner, then another, then another, and slid to a halt before he collided with the drab figure standing in his path.

He recovered his composure, then promptly lost it again, gaping. It couldn't --



scientificity February 27 2009, 22:02:49 UTC
Well. That was unexpected, to say the LEAST ( ... )


scientificity February 28 2009, 00:49:10 UTC
That look on Al's face seemed to surprise Ed, and he shrank back just a little away from his brother's gaze.

"What's with that face? I haven't done alchemy for years! No alchemy in Munich at all. It's all about machines. I've been dying to get back into practice..."

Ed stretched his arms up, the gloves sparkling with energy as he prepared to forge a hole in the wall in front of them.


lapispanacea February 28 2009, 01:02:23 UTC
Alphonse made an unhappy sound. "I know how much it means to you, but you can do it later. The food was your idea, after all, and I'd rather not irritate whoever lives here."

He put his hand on Ed's shoulder to halt him. "You do remember that time when the Colonel sent us to Drachma?"


scientificity February 28 2009, 01:12:09 UTC
Ed felt a warmth that several bottles of bourbon hadn't even been able to give him. Calming. Alphonse's presence had settled the ache in his body and he felt as if he were relaxing into a hot bath and basking in the sunshine that was Alphonse.

"Whoever lives here, probably wouldn't hear it if I blew it up anyway! 'Sides. I can FIX it. I can probably make it better, even! And don't bring up stuff like that, Al! That dog bit me and climbed into an air vent! Both it and the wall got what it deserved!"


lapispanacea February 28 2009, 01:18:08 UTC
Alphonse rolled his eyes.

There were advantages, he thought glumly, to not having a face. It meant you could be as exasperated as you pleased and no one knew the difference.

He schooled his face into a mask, but guessed that it was probably the most obvious mask in the world. Or worlds.

He wasn't sure. And his head was still fuzzy. And hurting.

"Come on," Alphonse said, stepping away from Ed. He opened one of the nearby doors and swatted around his head as bubbles floated out. A few popped on his shirt and left a soapy residue, but he closed the door and made for another.


[has come to nom nom on Ed and Al] vermilionxbird February 28 2009, 01:20:26 UTC
Arthur had run away from the room. Again. How many times was this now? Byakko was more tamer and usually stayed in the room when Suzaku told him to, but Arthur was just as rebellious as always. Although he loved Arthur nontheless. That didn't stop him from worrying though. Once he realized Arthur was gone, Suzaku immediately ran out of his room looking for him.

He had quickly checked the floors, and thought of where Arthur would know to go. Thinking it might be outside or the kitchen, Suzaku ran down the staircase towards the first floor. As he ran down, he noticied that there weren't many people walking about, and it made it seem as if the Mansion was deserted. As he ran through the hallways he heard a voices talking. He glanced over at the two boys and stopped. Maybe they had seen his beloved cat?


Order: You, me, Alphonse. scientificity February 28 2009, 01:29:49 UTC
Ed gave Al a LOOK, as he swatted at...bubbles. "Did...bubbles just come out of that room?"

...okay then...

Ed was a scientist, and therefore had a healthy (read: deadly) sense of curiosity, but some things were just better left alone.

Footsteps came from nearby, and Edward threw his flesh hand out in front of Al protectively. Some guy. Dressed in weird clothes, some kind of uniform, it seemed. The threads were definitely synthetic.

Ed tilted his head to the side, and gave Alphonse another look as the boy eyed them. Maybe this was his house. "This uh, your house or something?"


Re: Order: You, me, Alphonse. lapispanacea February 28 2009, 01:35:50 UTC
"Bubbles," Alphonse echoed. He prodded at the lone straggler that was floating near Ed's hair and it popped. Alphonse stared Ed for a moment, then smiled.

There was obviously something very odd going on.

He turned, "Who are you talking --"

"Oh, hello. We're a bit lost."


Got it vermilionxbird February 28 2009, 01:46:02 UTC
Suzaku got a better look at the two boys. Two boys. Around teens they seemed, maybe brothers? They oddly looked alike. It was hard to tell which was older however, height wise the one that was in the back seemed to be the elder, but his face seemed...naiver than the one protecting the other boy. And judging from their reaction...

"Oh, you must be new here. It's not exactly my house, but I do live here. I'm not sure who owns this Mansion, but there are many others who live here! It's not a dangerous place so you don't have to be worried," he said, smiling to reassure the two. "We're currently on the first out of the ten floors of the Mansion."


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