Dating Story #8 - Super Smooth IM Guy

May 07, 2007 22:17

So, being on and eHarmony etc., I had a lot of communication with guys via IM before I met them. You know how it goes. There was this one guy from Match, whom I've affectionately nicknamed IM Guy. He would IM me periodically and just say random stuff. It usually opened with "hey baby" or whatever, and regardless of my protestations at being called "baby" by a total stranger, he seemed to think I liked it.

So tonight I was working on a paper and this happened:

IMGuy: hey sexy

Me: Who, me?

IMGuy: yes u

Me: heh

IMGuy: why r u surprised

Me: I dunno.

Me: What's up?

IMGuy: nuttin much

IMGuy: saw u got excited lol

Me: ...

Me: I'm online all the time

IMGuy: so your here all the time for my pleasure

Me: Uhhh... I dunno about that. I'm gonna have to vote no.

IMGuy: thats to bad

Me: I'm not really a "hookup" kind of lady

Me: So do come-ons like that actually work? I never tried that -- might explain why I'm terminally single

Me: I'll be like, "hey stud, whassup?" Yeah. I gotta vary my approach.
*** "IMGuy" signed off at Mon May 07 20:08:02 2007.

Maybe I'm mean. But seriously, I never flirted with this guy at all. I really loathe being called "sexy". I'm not sexy. I'm perky. I guess I could qualify as "cute". I'm cheery. I'm NOT sexy. I'm also not around for some stranger's "pleasure". Dude. Why would anyone ever think that would fly with a complete stranger? *laugh*

men, omfg, idiots, psycho, relationships, online dating, crazy, dating, sex, torment, holy crap, kill me now, single

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