Jun 28, 2009 01:56
The way people have been talking about Michael Jackson since his death is strangely different than how they addressed him when he was alive. So, it makes me wonder what about a person changes when they die?
MJ is getting so much news coverage it's absurd. SO what that he was a good singer and dancer? Does that alone grant him immunity on his alleged molestation charges? Does it make him any less weird? Does it make his obsession with plastic surgery and bleaching his skin any more normal? Sure, he was and will continue to be a popular music icon. But I still find this love affair between the American public and celebrities to be disgusting. People honor celebrities like they're some kind of mythical gods that can do no wrong. Yet, people have been deeming MJ as a pedophile and social deviant for YEARS. And now those same people won't shut up about how great he was, and how we must honor his name, and yadda yadda. It's really too bizarre for me.
What people should be honoring, instead of this media-infused stupidity, are the soldiers who die everyday overseas, fighting for not only our freedom, but other country's freedom as well.
It's another sad day in America, where we no longer honor where honor is rightfully due.