I seem to have lost my journalling mojo. Lots of stuff happening inside my head (well, one would hope so...) but I never have the time to write it down any more. (Where by "time" read "wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey mess of physical time, mental disposition, energy and synthetic ability.)
I guess... with less time to write the everyday stuff as it's happening comes the need to condense it into main points, which is where the ability to see the bigger picture would come in handy. But I'm still murking down in the details, hence no bigger picture for us right now.
I forgot to bring a towel to work today, which saddens me a great deal - I think my boss and co-worker would have understood my geekery. We share an appreciation of things Hitchhikery.
My excuse is that I've had my own personal Towel Day a few weeks ago, when I went to IKEA with the intention of acquiring a Molger bath shelf unit, and I came back dignifiedly carrying one (1) towel on top of my handbag. (I hadn't brought any kind of carrier bag, you see; I only had my purse and my intention to buy one of those horrid blue IKEA bags for the shelf thing. The shelf thing turned out to be a 10 kg monstrosity of a flatpack, so I gave up on it, but I did need a bathmat, and my favourite is a very towel-y one, so I call it a towel. You're not going to get all academic on me on the definition of a towel, are you? ;-P )
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