Episode 1: Let's Talk about the Weather, Baby
Stereotype: the British talk about the weather as a means of making polite, non-controversial, and non-committal small-talk.
Well, that's not necessarily untrue.
The British also talk about the weather because the weather is sentient and will eat you alive if you don't give it enough deference. FFARRFGH. London weather, at least, the delights of which I've partaken for the last seven months, is downright psychotic.
Do I have SAD? I don't know, but being in the middle of MAY, the merry month of MAY, and freezing in a miserable drizzle was sapping away my will to live here. Grey, rain, grey, grey, 13°, more grey, fuck, this is not what I signed up for. And then all of a sudden it became warm and humid - during the course of an hour or so.
You get thermal whiplash between the 9am trudge towards work and the noon lunch escape and then tell me the weather doesn't deserve to be talked about behind its back, all the time.
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