A short intermission

Aug 18, 2010 19:31


Seems that Midori, my laptop, has developed the Dell curse of not recognising it's power supply. It's going in for repairs tomorrow. Which means that I'll be interwebs incommunicando for as long as it takes them to repair the fault. Or call in a witch doctor to cure the curse. Or whatever.

This means that I won't be replying to or commenting on anything for at least 48 hours or longer. I have no idea how long this will take. The problem could be as simple as a faulty plug receptor thingy (the little round hole where you plug in the power suplly) or a faulty battery, all the way through to a fracked motherboard.  I have no idea on the ETA for it's return. I called Dell and they talked me through the usual fix (flashing the BIOS) but it did no good and they have ordered all the parts including a replacement mobo in case it's needed so hopefully it won't take too long since all the parts are going to be on standby.

And yes, I absolutely realise that my laptop has the same name as Nett's laptop. I named it before I was aware that Nett's laptop is named the same thing. We will just have to live with the confusion this fact causes :)


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