NLC3 - The Ring Legacy Gen 2 Pt 5

Aug 17, 2010 14:52

Time for another instalment of the Ring legacy!

Here's a better look at Eddy Current. He's a little nerdlet cutie.

I finally managed to get one of the adults to help with homework. I keep forgetting that in TS3 the kids do it autonomously and kept missing my chance.

Decoder decided to rebel that day and didn't come home after school, going to hang out at the playground instead.

And then I connected my PC monitor to the laptop and did a custom content cleanup. Poor Kasandra got stuck at the invisible table. And the sofas appear to be missing, too.

* Replaces furniture and rescues Kasandra *

Then I made a copy of the hood and went around extracting a bunch of sims. I couldn't find one of the kids. Turns out the poor toddler was stuck underneath the house!

Why so excited at the thought of your father's death, Narya?

Oh, I see... You're doing a spot of aging up!

Sorry, I didn't get a post-aging-up picture of her, but she got a more adult makeover with short hair. You'll see the hair later in the update.

Eddy Current puts in the knife and twists it.

During the entire grieving period he painted this painting of a grave at least 3 times and each time he finished he'd just stand there sobbing.

It was time to send Narya back to France.

It's adventure time!

Installing Ambitions appears to have broken the single beds at base camp. They all had sleeping Zzz coming off them and nobody could use them. I have no idea how to force errors on them. Shift clicking only brings up the option to delete.

Disarming an electricity trap. Doesn't look very safe. But then what do I know. This guy disarms land mines with his bare hands, then why not electricity traps?

Charred floor. Could be a bad sign. Let's check it out.

Bingo! Another electricity trap but she coudln't disarm this one. She needs to find a +10 to traps item it would seem.

Thank you sparkles of guidance. I don't know how I could possibly have found that chest without your help.

There was so much choice. I really have no idea how I could have found the correct one.

Traps laid into carpet. A sim could fry literally anywhere!

It's not all traps and danger, though. Narya took some time out to catch the local wildlife to take back home.

The caretaker's cottage out the back of the Landgraab mansion. Best dungeon EVER. You go down the stairs at the back, get the keystone lying about on a table, stick it into the lock on the front and hey presto you get the dungeon solved music. And no traps, either.

A closeup of the keystone lock. I just thought it was pretty.

The front of the Langraab mansion then erupted into flames.

Narya: Time to get out of here! I don't suppose anyone saw me?

Time for more scenery shots.

Excavating for relics.

She'd been carrying some Tiberium she had found. Which she then sold for a nice chunk of change. And a reduction in neausea.

An amethyst.

A random mansion where she stole some grapes.

I just may be a little bit in love with the steam train <3

Yet another "I have no idea why this picture was taken" image. I think I stepped away from the computer and one of the kids pressed C. They know that key takes a picture. That's the restaurant.

The Landgraab mansion in full blazing glory.

Narya: You'd think that with all the money they had they would have installed a gym!

She then proceeded to explore the mansion in her underwear.

Since I didn't take any fanservice pics of Gordon in his leopard print undies, have some Narya in leopard print. Yes, they have matching underwear.

Another corridor, another section of charred flooring.

And another electricity trap. The Landgraabs appear to have been a paranoid bunch.

Narya: No gym! No trees! This whole place is just traps and tile!!! And bathrooms! SO. MANY. BATHROOMS!!!!

Maybe it's the leopardprint undies that give +10 to traps?

Narya: Maybe if I use this telescope I will find a gym. And some trees.

The shower in a can animation is kind of hilarious.

I kind of wish I had taken a video of this.

She fished up a little box.

And caught more wildlife for smuggling back home.

Narya: I wonder what's in here?


She was marginally calmer at the second hole in the wall. The third one was empty.

And as is becoming monotonously regular for this legacy I leave you with a picture of Narya doing a spot of snake charming. She's quite good at it now.

I ended up having to cut her trip short because all of the adventures she was getting off the board involved having to travel to Egypt. So she's off home for a bit and the next update will most likely showcase her trip to Egypt.

See you next time!

ts3: ring

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