Meshing help request?

Aug 22, 2010 19:53

Any chance of someone on my friends list helping me with fixing the hairline on an old hair mesh?

I wanted to retexture a hair mesh by Callum but the fringe/bangs is an absolute dog's breakfast which is easily alpha edited out to make the mesh kind of cute. But the hairline is really awful and I would love it if someone could smooth it out a bit. I realise that it is an old mesh using old-style horrid mapping (for which I am going to have to figure out some sort of retexturing because you can see from that image using the original textures as a guideline just resulted in weirdness) but I am hoping that it would be relatively simple to fix the hairline. If it's not, please don't kill yourself trying. This is really way down low on the list of priorities in ANYONE's life and I will love you for even trying, let alone for fixing it. If it can be more easily done by re-mapping the scalp texture, that's great, too, though I suspect that the wonkiness factor runs a bit deeper than just to fail!mapping.


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