Last weekend Jenn and I were wandering through a pet store killing some time and we ended up looking at the all the fish. Jenn knows all the names of the fish because she's kind of a biology nerd and she's had tons of fish growing up, but I was mostly just calling them all by their colors and sizes, since I can't remember people's names, let alone fish names. I mentioned that the only time I'd ever had fish was when another friend came to live on my couch for awhile and brought his fish with him. We somehow managed to kill them all within about three weeks. :( When Jenn was done laughing at me, she promised that if we got fish she'd keep them alive. So now we have fish!
We got the tank and set it up last week, and then I got hit with insomnia today, so we went to the pet shop when Jenn got up to get the fish.
We got four to start with. A black molly:
A platy of some sort. He looks really googly eyed here:
This one shows his body color a little better:
And then two tetras. I think they're serpea tetras:
Once we actually have some algae in the tank we'll probably pick up a plecostomus, and if everything is still alive a little while after that, more fish! \o/ I'm excited.
Oh, I also wanted to share my jury rigged extension cord. There's only one outlet next to the fish tank, but with the heater, filter, and light we had three cords, so I taped a power strip to the bottom of my cabinets. :D