Sherlock thoughts- Now With Bee Gees and Binary!

Jan 15, 2012 22:49

- Something extra-traumatic has happened to John. Feel my sinking feeling.

- Sinking feeling has sunk! That's unexpectedly Moulin Rouge.

- Whatever Moriarty is, that man's an artist. There's an element of creativity there that Sherlock doesn't necessarily share.

- Though possibly posing with all the Crown Jewels is trying a wee bit too hard.

- Ha, if Moriarty ever went to the devil, Old Nick would have the deeds to Hell tricked out from under him.

- Moriarty's pockets are full of mousetraps. And the chance of that being an innocent mint are very slim indeed.

- The two types of fan make me smile too much. I've been in fandom too long.

- Ye-eah, Kitty Riley is almost certainly evil.

- There's nothing wrong with re-hemming your favourite skirt! Or reseaming, or patching or...

- "I felt he had a special something." Moriarty's mentally writing the fanfic.

- Nope, showing off is Sherlock's oxygen- oops, that would be a contempt charge.

- "Oh go on, let me off, I'm vaguely cute and can look dead non-threatening for seconds at a time."

- I must be thick, I can't see what's in it for Moriarty.

- Waitwaitwait. NOT guilty? That's some impressive collective stupid there!

- Yeah, this is the sort of news requires tea.

- I personally would have tranked up those apples to kingdom come.

- Ah. He nobbled the jury. I feel obscurely better about that.

- He's gonna burn out your heart.

- Moriarty's beaten all secrecy. He's not the anti-Sherlock, he's the anti-Mycroft.

- A living Watson is much to be preferred.

- That's obvious- Moriarty's bored shitless. He can have anything, take everything, use everyone.

- Er, Natwest machines don't usually know your name.

- Yeah, definitely time to Summon Mycroft.

- Something tells me a shedload of hired killers aren't going to be thwarted by Rightmove.

- Can we not open unscanned envelopes, please?

- Oi! No sending the kindly teacher into hysterics!

- Please, six grand a term is about normal these days.

- You'd hide under the bed. And thwack him with something.

- Eh, at least he sprung for Quavers. And we already know Molly has a dodgy taste in men.

- Oh Molly, you are never more wonderful than when you finally stand up to the overbearing bastard.

- Handsel and Gretel are fine, Babes In The Wood is rather more alarming.

- PGPR is usually such a good thing though! It's made from castor beans, it makes chocolate all melty good.

- Mercury poisoning. You don't see what around much these days because it's really sodding visible. Surely liquid wrappers..?

- 'Ello, Sally's reckoning he's finally tipped over to the Dark Side. Yeah, the kid's reaction would make wonder too, though she is traumatised and mercury-addled.

- For the record? I would watch the shit out of Moriarty hosting Jackanory.

- Woah, wait, are the killers thinning the ranks?

- Oh, if they hurt Mrs H I'll be properly furious.

- But I don't fancy Lestrade's chances right now much either. Meep.

- Ah, Watson. Only you could pronounce "annoying dick" as "I love you."

- Wait, Lestrade didn't clear this with his boss first? WTF?

- Hello, cleaning lady in the background. Did Mycroft send you? Are you one of Irene's pretty pets?

- Er, no, Watson, you don't touch a copper, not even if he insults your Sherlock.

- John Watson: Least Hostagey hostage ever!

- Mycroft could get the charges dropped. Hell, Mycroft could probably wangle a royal pardon.

- Rich Brook again. One of Kitty Riley's victims, right?

- Wow. Definitely not the victim. Even my stream from iPlayer has apparently crashed in shock.

- Quick! Someone check IMDB!

- Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!

- Remember, only the awesome of Molly can save you now!

- The awesome of Mycroft appears to have crapped out at a valuable moment. Moriarty never gets himself in trouble unless there's something it for him.

- Binary! Moriarty tapped it out for you while he was round!

- Mrs H! If I wasn't sure it was a way to get Watson to safety I'd be hugely upset.

- Only the solemnity and gravitas of...the Bee Gees is going to enough for this.

- That's not enough binary to do anything useful, is it?

- Ah, there we go. Moriarty likes machines, but he loves operating people.

- If there's no stopping the gunmen...

- All right, Moriarty, let's how you look in a plummeting scarf!

- Again, Sherlock begs very sweetly.

- And what kind of sword do angels have? Burning ones!

- Moriarty: Bored, lonely, and definitely not on the right meds.

- And lack of meds no longer a problem for him! Bugger!

- my heart

- Guh nuh

- Was that an Irregular knocked him down? Stopped him seeing the body?

- Nuh nuh nuh.

- Reading a redtop should probably get you chucked out of the Diogenes.

- Can I see your therapist after you, please, John?

- Your one more miracle, John. Just for you.

Well, thank fuck I baked a chocolate orange cake before the start.

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