Sherlock thoughts- Now With Facts About Angler Fish!

Jan 08, 2012 22:18

- Ah, running through a forest with monster behind you. I've spent some of my favourite Bank Holiday weekends like that.

- Russell Tovey! Always a pleasure to see him.

- Erm, harpoon gun?

- Sherlock begs so sweetly when he's in baccy withdrawl. I wonder if Irene knows?

- Don't take it out on Mrs H! Remember the commandments?

- Wait, Bluebell the rabbit turned luminous? Phosphorus, right?

- Animals grown for the battlefield. Oh, Moff, please don't make this a We3 rerun.

- And for pity's sake, pass him a fag while you're at it.

- Ah, it's not just naked chicks Sherlock shows off for.

- The fact that John manages to work through a lot of women suggests the poetry must be pretty good.

- Fly solo, our John! Take the laptop, threaten cock shots on the webscam if Sherlock's unappreciative.

- Oooh, that's some lovely location shooting on Dartmoor. Dramatic pose break on an outcrop!

- "Stay off the moors!" American werewolves everywhere feel their ears prick up.

- Another week, another comedy confusion over John and Sherlock's relationship.

- You know, Sherlock, the top button on the shirt is purely an optional extra, Just saying.

- A plaster cast of a giant pawprint. I've got a horrible feeling I'd just use it for holding interesing beads.

- The power of Mycroft has no boundaries.

- Oooh, my Mad Science senses are tingling. Though I like my mad science with less animal testing.

- Wait, screw phospherous, you could probably plug in a luciferine gene into a rabbit for kicks and giggles. It's the stuff as makes angler fish glow.

- Good save, Dr Franklin. Now, why was he saving them?

- Goodness, John's blog is getting as powerful as Mycroft. Loving it. Admittedly, the Aluminium Crutch is a good 'un.

- Yeah, sorry but you do. And it's not as though those aren't his usual cheekbones.

- The moors. At night. Someone's getting a hug from the Bad Idea Bear!

- umqra. Umbra? Ghost?

- That's a pretty good growly noise right there. No solid visual though.

- Sherlock's got a little traumatised face in the firelight. John, hug him like a puppy, please!

- There's lots wrong with you, Sherlock. But right now you're acting like me after an attempted blood test.

- Here John, pretty girl for you to talk to! Try some poetry, go on...

- Someone is deliberately trying to drive that poor bastard crazy. Nothing discredits like a good sectioning!

- Oooh, a solid cockblock there.

- I'm thinking that's now officially Sherlock's Rock. The Sherrock, as it were.

- United...Mongoose Queens...Reigning Association?

- Of course, by Sherlock standards that's practically a declaration of love.

- And that really is! Conductor of Genius, no less!

- LeStrade? Shades indoors isn't a good look even if it splendid to see you.

- Apology coffee is rather adorable.

- Ah, bacon sarnies, the downfall of many a veggie.

- Be scared, Mycroft- Sherlock's gonna need a favour.

- Conspirators have big coats? I've never noticed that myself.

- Oooh, death rays! Don't let me down now, sinister army scientists!

- No no, I wanted death rays, not brain scrambling rays! Oh, that's what frightened Sherlock. Yeah, get an army to flee before you've even fired a shot...

- John, you're not seeing it. It's a tape or something.

- Glowy rabbits would definitely be the next fashion in pets. I mean, come on, that's adorable. And could probably fund the MoD for years to come.

- Jellyfish, not angler fish. Gah! I always get it wrong :(

- A mind-palace. Mine would need a couple of wings for Doctor Who references.

- So not a fear ray, a fear aerosol. Sherlock's precious brain meat!

- And Henry's brain meat by now must look like a mad cow's, poor bastard. That's long term exposure, gotta be.

- Though frankly the man in a gas mask is also pretty damn traumatic. Moff obviously having another crack at nightmare-sculpting.

- The mist's doing it! Don't shoot!

- Yeah, Franklin, you're wandering round a rocky dangerous MINEFIELD at n

- Yup, there we go. They'll be burying you with a spatula.

- Yeah, locking John in the Lab of Terror is going to need an apology coffee the size of a bloody canoe.

- Waitwaitwait, did they just release Moriarty? Meep! And come to think of it, who's they, precisely?

- Did we ever establish what UMQRA is?

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