Tesco and Tribulations

Dec 03, 2010 17:16

I've just read the last entry I made, and I can't help feeling my ghost might have been annoyed if that was the last entry I'd ever made.

I decided it might nice to have some fresh veggies in the house, so ventured to Tesco in town. There's clearly been no attempt to deal with the pavements going into the city centre- the lack of gritty salt was my first clue, the dead rat frozen to the pavement was my next one. I nearly had a bloody heart attack right then, but luckily my feet instinctively avoid any brown lumps on the tarmac so I got away with nothing more traumatic than a blood pressure spike.

This turned out to be merely the practice shock. The dress rehearsal of "ACK!", if you will.

While waiting for the cash machine (there was a lot of cold, a lot of queuing- I'm going to have to repress a joke about Soviet Russia) I stared vaguely at the bus stop- just in time to see a Unibus slip on the crust of ice and mount the pavement two meters in front of me.

Last time I moved that fast someone was trying to give me a blood test.

After a few gloriously undignified second of hugging the wall, I realised that a) I Aten't Dead, b) the students in the queue in front of me had only just twigged something was up, because c) the bus made a vague wrenching sound and managed to get back on the road with no harm done.

Happily, nobody took the piss in earshot, even though Town Centre was teeming. I've never waited half an hour for a till at Tesco, thought I found out later that it was partially because everyone found their shopping options suddenly curtailed. I didn't mind so much- by that point the "couple of things" had mutated into "buggered if I'm leaving the house again for a week."

I was planning to go on a day about Victorian sweets (ah, Victoriana and sweets! Pop a bookshop in and I'd be lost forever) tomorrow, but I suspect I might skip it.
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