JAN: Uh, I've a load of brief impressions, they probably don't make much sense.
FEB: I managed to do all of two hours work yesterday before collapsing at work.
MAR: I'm glad those logos are finished at last!
APR: Google longs to talk to the animals.
MAY: "It's just a corridor!" Hey, companions probably get +10 modifers to corridors!
JUN: I do like the VW camper vans, affectionately known when I was younger as the Peace Tan.
JUL: Varnish fumes are currently getting to me, because I've just worked out that cats bred us to be the shape we are.
AUG: Uh, proper tea! Like Yixing clay?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yixing_clay_teapot SEP: I'm sick, and I'm bored, and my writing muscles are atrophying.
OCT: So, yeah. Andy moved out on Saturday.
NOV: I was planning to go to the Fireworks tonight, but I woke up with the thumping headache that ibuprofen barely takes the edge off.
DEC: To my vague sadness, I've discovered that last winter killed all my love for snow.